13 & 14 May 2016, R4 Presents: Treasure Island


Photos from a previous production of Treasure Island can be viewed below.
R4: Treasure Island

RED ROOM RADIO REDUX will present a staged radio-theater- style production of TREASURE ISLAND, the Robert Louis Stevenson classic story of pirates and buried treasure, for three performances on:
Friday May 13 at 8:00 PM
Saturday May 14 matinee at 2:30 PM***
Saturday May 14 at 8:00 PM.
The performance will last approximately one hour.



All performances will be held at the International Artist Village at the TAF in Taipei.


***Especially for the children: prior to the matinee performance on Saturday, May 14, there will be a treasure hunt for all ticket holders aged 8 to 18. The treasure hunt will start at 1:30PM on Saturday, May 14.

The performance and treasure hunt will be held in English.

Your patronage: early bird reservations on accupass
現場購票: NT400
8-18歲以下孩童特別優惠: NT250

Tickets are available through ACCUPASS for NT300 or at the door for NT400.
Children 8-18 years NT250.
Under 8 years no charge.


Treasure Island is the tale of young Jim Hawkins, who sets sail in 1783 as a cabin boy on the schooner Hispaniola, in search of treasure hidden on a faraway island. In the course of his adventures, he comes across a motley assortment of devious seaman, including the infamous buccaneer Long John Silver. This production of Treasure Island will appeal to adults as well as children aged 8 and up.

The performance of Treasure Island will be in English, in an adaptation that draws extensively on the original language of the story. It will be presented as a radio-style staged reading in which the actors use voice, characterization and gesture, as well as live sound effects and music, to recreate a lively tale in the minds of the audience.

Audio recording of Treasure Island is on demand on the ICRT website.

At R4, we believe that through this “theater of the imagination,” we can promote a culture of live storytelling and creative listening through the great works of literature. Come join us with a heart of adventure and a mind of exploration as we sail into the deepest oceans of our imagination!
To learn more about R4¸ find us on Facebook : R4=Red Room Radio Redux

R4’s repertoire includes: Macbeth, The War of the Worlds, Dracula and A Christmas Carol. In addition to live performances, the group has produced and broadcast voice dramas in partnership with ICRT-FM100.

Red Room Radio Redux is affiliated with the Red Room. For more about “spoken word” events sponsored by the Red Room, go to www.redroomtaipei.com.

金銀島是一個青年賀詹姆(Jim Hawkins)的故事,從伊斯帕尼奧拉島揚帆啟程,在航程中找尋隱藏在遙遠島嶼的寶藏。在冒險的過程中,他遇到一群狡猾奸詐混雜的航海人,包含了最有名的海盜,單腳西渥弗(Long John Silver)。

紅坊廣播劇場會用英文演出金銀島,從原語的方式帶出延伸的效果。會用電台的效果來呈 現每一位角色的說詞,個性特色和手勢比劃,搭配著現場聲音效果以及配樂,重新帶出原 始故事的感覺給觀眾們。紅坊廣播劇場要將這樣獨特的表演方式,一種戲劇的想像的方式 獻給觀眾,透過分享偉大文學巨作和表達文化特色的現場說故事效果。

金銀島演出適合大人到8歲以上小孩。會有個簡單的詩詞作為開場,來自路易斯·卡羅爾的 愛麗絲夢遊仙境。會將音樂和聲音強化,來優化重述史蒂文森的知名故事。

紅坊廣播劇場是一個隸屬於 Red Room 藝術表演活動的社團。先前表演過馬克白、世界大 戰、聖誕頌歌、小氣財神等西方經典名著,也曾與ICRT 一同製做播出。贊助單位有漣漪 人基金會。你/妳可以在 Red Room 的網站找尋 “Spoken word”。網址是 :www.redroomtaipei.com,也可上臉書蒐尋R4=Red Room Radio Redux。

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