14 January 2016, Spirits of the Night VI Gong Bath, 明亮之夜 VI 聆聽宇宙之聲

gong-imageSpirits of the Night VI Gong Bath, 明亮之夜 VI 聆聽宇宙之聲

Listening to the sounds of the Universe – Gong Bath



Gong sound notes are beautiful and strong vibrations, a gong bath constantly stacked over top one another, Like water droplets hitting the surface of your skin, as if washing the body under the waterfall of the sound of gong. Gong is the only musical instrument that can tap into the inner depths of the divine creation of space vibrations. The sound of the gong is the soul. When we strike the gong, it is just as the percussion of the universe, into the vast galaxy whirlpool washing body and mind. Sonic makes us calm, relaxed, but also closer to the inner self.

Session lead by Julie Chiu (facebook.com/julie.chiu)
Acoustic Resonance
Received training from international gong master Don Conreaux, Himalayan singing bowls sound therapists and other training, held a 2015 gong tour in Taiwan, 5 sessions in total. One gong concert was to promote healing of internal acoustic wave, which was in November 2014 to establish “Acoustic Resonance. Acoustic Resonance” Facebook community now has more than 850 members, regularly organize various acoustic events and introduce a variety of foreign films and knowledge about sonic healing.

Follow us with dancing limbs, deep breathing, physical and emotional release of negative energy, then completely relax listening to the operation of the stars of the universe, give yourself a quiet night.

Note: Please wear or bring warm loose clothing to the session, it would be best to bring a yoga mat so you can easily lie down, and prepare a jacket to cover your body.

時間:2016年1月14日 (四) 19:30~21:00
地點:Red Room 紅房國際村 (台北市大安區建國南路一段177號(濟南路與建國南路交叉口))


Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $300NTD.

裘莉 (Julie Chiu) (facebook.com/julie.chiu)
Acoustic Resonance
接受Don Conreaux國際銅鑼師、喜馬拉雅頌缽音療師等訓練,舉辦2015年銅鑼台灣巡演,全省5場銅鑼浴,1場銅鑼音樂會,推動國內聲波療癒之風潮,自2014年11月建立《聲波共振 Acoustic Resonance》臉書社團,目前已經850多位以上會員,經常舉辦各種聲波活動,並介紹國外各種聲波療癒的影片與知識。

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