22 March 2017 DIY beeswax wraps

Wednesday, March 22 at 7 PM – 9 PM
DIY beeswax wraps

Visual Dialogues XIII, “Devoured”, artist Annie Hsiao-Wen Wang will be running a workshop on DIY beeswax wraps as part of the initiative to reduce plastic use.

Beeswax wraps are a natural alternative to plastic wrap for food storage. Made from 100% cotton , beeswax and coconut oil, these wraps are reusable for up to 1 year with proper care. Using these reusable bees wax wraps saves space in your fridge and reduces your need to use disposable plastic bags and containers. So say goodbye to yucky plastics in contact with your food! Beeswax are also edible so you can feel safe wrapping your food in it.
If you need to dispose of them, no problem because they are 100% biodegradable and can be composted or used as kindling for your fireplace.

Beeswax wraps are naturally anti-bacterial and can be easily cleaned for continued use.

These wraps normally cost around $700 + postage but after this class you will know how to make them at a fraction of the cost.
In this 2 hour class we will be making 3 different sizes;
33 x 33cm – Large, can be used to cover large bowls, sandwiches or watermelons for example
26cm round – Round, used to cover bowls or plates
18 x 20cm – Small, use for half lemons, cucumbers or onions.
There is a limit of 12 people for this workshop. Please RSVP to reserve your place, and also so we can know how much materials to buy.
Cost of workshop: $600

Help us reduce plastic waste by making naturally organic products and make sure your food is fresh and safe.

FAMILIES WELCOME: Recommended minimum age, 10 yo with some parental assistance.

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1451437528222582/


Visual Dialogues XIII­【 吞噬】,藝術家王筱雯將會在紅房教你如何做DIY蜂蠟保鮮布,讓我們一起翻轉自己的塑化人生。
蜂蠟保鮮布可以取代塑膠保鮮膜,以純棉布,蜂蠟,和椰子油做成,而這些保鮮布一年以內都可以重複使用。有這些可重複使用的蜂蠟保鮮布可以大量減低一次性使用的塑膠袋和塑膠容器。蜂蠟是可食用的,所以拿來封包你的食物非常安全,所以快跟噁心的塑化劑說拜拜 ~
蜂蠟保鮮布既是有機的,又能讓你的食物保持安全新鮮,又可以減少塑膠製品的使用! 快來快來 ~