r4 dracula blog
Friday 23 October 2015 at 8:00 pm
Your Patronage 票價:
NT300 ACCUPASS / 現場購票NT 400 at the door
四人團購票價Admit (4) persons NT 1000

(Scroll down for tickets)

The story of DRACULA adapted for radio-drama and performed live by Red Room Radio Redux.
Also, THE RAVEN by Edgar Allen Poe. Read aloud dramatically by Thomas Bellmore, accompanied by music, sound effects and a live painting event featuring artist Charles Haines.
還有加碼演出!伴著懸疑的配樂及音效,Thomas Bellmore獨自演讀愛倫坡名著<烏鴉> (THE RAVEN)。除此之外,藝術家Charles Haines現場即興作畫活動邀請您一同參與。

Recommended for ages 12+ years (brief sexual innuendo & tearing of imaginary flesh)

Performances in English 全程英語演出

r4 dracula blog
Friday 23 October 2015 at 8:00 pm
Your Patronage 票價:
NT300 ACCUPASS / 現場購票NT 400 at the door
四人團購票價Admit (4) persons NT 1000

(Scroll down for tickets)

The story of DRACULA adapted for radio-drama and performed live by Red Room Radio Redux.
Also, THE RAVEN by Edgar Allen Poe. Read aloud dramatically by Thomas Bellmore, accompanied by music, sound effects and a live painting event featuring artist Charles Haines.
還有加碼演出!伴著懸疑的配樂及音效,Thomas Bellmore獨自演讀愛倫坡名著<烏鴉> (THE RAVEN)。除此之外,藝術家Charles Haines現場即興作畫活動邀請您一同參與。

Recommended for ages 12+ years (brief sexual innuendo & tearing of imaginary flesh)

Performances in English 全程英語演出