27 February 2016, Stage Time and Juice @ the Red Room XV

2016 is a leap year! What will you do with that extra day?

Spend it with us at the RED ROOM and discover the magic of being part of a fun, creative, enthusiastic community based upon the concept of LISTENING.

Let’s reach for the sky together! Kindly LEAP to the occasion by preparing

1) A song, a skit, a joke, a poem.
2) Some additional juice or a snack to share
3) Your best clapping hands and listening ears!

Other suggestions:

The Red Room is a green environment. Bring your own drinking vessel! If not, you may borrow or purchase one of our awesome, groovy bamboo mugs.

Stage Time and Juice 是一個新的紅房(Red room)社群與 Taipei City Playgroup 所舉辦的活動,活動主要用意為鼓勵孩子們步入創意探索的道路。 活動主要以英文進行,受邀參加的孩子們,可以有機會聆聽許多故事,分享彼此天賦才能及創意想法。倒點果汁,隨意找個座位坐下,和我們果汁家庭成員們一同學 習,一同分享這個多元化的平台。 在櫃台會有報名表,讓勇敢的小朋友們可以登記上台朗讀、分享藝術、玩音樂或者講故事。


1) 請隨意帶果汁或喜歡的點心,當您抵達社群時即可將其放置於吧台,供大家自由分享取用。
2) 紅房(Red room)社群關心綠色環保議題,所以來時候可以考慮在現場購買一個我們引以為傲的竹杯子,又或者您也可以攜帶自己的環保杯。

Entrance fee: NT100 for adults, NT 50 per child (ages 5-16)
活動時間 Date and Time :2月 27 日星期六 2:30 pm – 4:30pm

入場費用 Fee:大人NT100 小孩 (5-16歲 ) NT50

Recommended Age: 5 and Above

活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.
Hosts: RED ROOM www.redroomtaipei.com and The Taipei City Playgroup
肯夢 AVEDA I Ripplemaker Foundation