Christiana Chien, Odd Hackwelder – VDXV

Born in Brazil, raised in Taiwan. Lived in Oxford & London, UK; Madrid, Spain; Singapore; Yangzhou, China; and New York City/Roanoke, VA in the US after graduating from FuJen Catholic University with a BA in Spanish. MA candidate in Applied Linguistics from Teachers College, Columbia University. A lil’ bit of an adrenaline junkie. Art has always been an indispensable part of Chris’s life, although there was a period of time in which she got so distracted by mere survival, she stopped creating. She’s finally finding her expressive voice back after having experienced some less than happy episodes of bottled up emotions, under the graceful encouragement of many fairy godmothers (ok, and godfathers). She knows these simple (but not simplistic) life experiences in different countries are turning into iridescent pearls, reflecting her heart and mind, which draw much inspiration from all her beloved friends, foes, and family.


Christiana Chien 簡國珍
e :: Christiana.Chien@Gmail.Com
m: +886 (0)905-062-486
Line: ChrisCatChien WeChat :: Christiana_Chien Skype :: ChrisCatChien

Visual Dialogues XV


Hack is an American artist who has been living in Taiwan for over 15 years. He has had many art shows but it’s been over 3 years since his last featured exhibition. He spends most of his time designing card games and board games now. You will see a lot of his work featured in his games. Since he is a trained graphic designer his work is very graphic and theme based. He is very prolific and always creates art in a series. This show will contain a variety of different series.

Visual Dialogues XV