Performers at Aside 14, August 13 2016


“Life Is Better When You Are Laughing.”

When was the last time you had a belly aching, eye tearing, nose snorting bout of laughter? That long? Having a great sense of humour is important in all aspects of our lives. Live to laugh, laugh to live. Laughter is truly the best medicine when it comes to helping us feel emotionally, mentally and physically young. Pay attention to those who makes you smile and laugh, and spend more time with them. E. E. Cummings said, “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” So, let’s not waste another day!

Reservations required. Your Patronage $500NTD. Please register on Accupass or RSVP to reserve your seat. Your entrance includes 2 drinks. (Beer, wine or juice) and light refreshments. Floor seating so please dress comfortably.
需預先登記。開支攤提費為NT$500。請點擊此連結做登記 當晚活動入場票含兩杯飲料(啤酒,果汁,葡萄酒)跟輕食。場內席地而坐,請穿舒適的衣服並請記得脫鞋子。

About Aside:
Aside derives its name from the theatrical term of “taking an aside,” where characters break the fourth wall to address the audience directly with their insight, secret aspirations, and original perspectives.

The presenters at Aside are individuals who have found inspiration in their craft and in turn have shared their inspiration with us. They utilize their discipline to communicate with creativity and breach the gap between artist and audience.


Meg Anderson is an improviser and traveler, who has been practicing comedy for over ten years. She has directed and created improv comedy troupes in South Korea, Taiwan, and America. She has performed all over east Asia, Australia, and the United States. She also teaches improv workshops worldwide and works as a voice actress in her spare time. Ms. Anderson is honored to be a part of this Red Room event.

phone number: 0903416103
Line ID: meanmeg

Kevin Lee (Klee) 李承翰
生日 1991/3/17

Kevin 是個在美國洛杉磯出生,台灣長大的小孩。 從小學到高中,Klee一直都是班上以及同學之間的開心果。也因為這樣的背景,算是個第三文化小孩。

2009大學前往美國華盛頓大學就讀,原本主修工業工程。2012大三那年決定開始尋找自己真正想做的,暑假前往紐約電影學院(New York Film Academy) 完成編劇課程,寫出人生第一部電影 。之後在大學也改修傳播新媒體,學習影片製作,其中一支影片在超過一百人的課堂中獲得票選冠軍。畢業前也開始接觸表演,跟朋友組了個樂團四處表演,擔任主唱 (唱得還好,但就是因為這樣磨練變得不會怯場)。

2013大學結束後返台服教育替代役,2014在嘉義縣的灣潭國小擔任英文老師。 當兵時利用自己空閒的時間創了一個YouTube頻道,拍了幾隻喜劇短片,其中也被「台灣達人秀」分享過。

2015退役後加入Comedy Central 合夥的「哈哈台」,認識Lalo,兩人默契搭上後拍出趣味,搞笑的影片,並在臉書上累積破百萬的觀看次數。Lalo跟Klee後來決定自己出來建立工作室,專心拍他們的喜劇系列《什麼東西》

As a third culture kid, Kevin was born in Los Angeles, California, but grew in Taipei, Taiwan. Throughout his school years, Kevin has always been driven to make those around him laugh, earning him the “class clown” title.

In 2009, Kevin journeyed to the University of Washington to study Engineering. In the summer of 2012, Kevin decided to follow his passion and join a screenwriting program at the New York Film Academy, where he wrote his first feature screenplay. Kevin subsequently switched majors to Communications and began learning video editing, even winning first place once for a video competition out of 100 entries. Kevin also joined a band and performed in multiple gigs as the lead singer (his mediocre singing helped build self confidence).

In 2013, Kevin returned to Taiwan to start his substitute military service as an English teacher at a rural elementary school. During his free time, Kevin started a YouTube Channel and made a couple comedy shorts, which was featured on the Taiwan Talent Show Facebook page.

Kevin later joined Comedy Central affiliated “Hahatai” as a director, where he met Lalo and began making their own comedy series, accumulating over a million views. The duo later branched out to start the “LK Show”.

Kevin’s biggest interests are basketball, singing, and storytelling. He hopes to bring people together through laughter and comedy, narrowing the gap between cultures and generations.


Eric has over 3 yrs of experience and a member of comedy group 卡米地好事派 Wonder4 Party
He is now working in an American company.
Eric will talk about his experience of working with people from different backgrounds.

Some of Eric’s performances can be viewed here:


Hailing from the UK, Charlie is a regular performer on Taipei’s English-language comedy circuit, hosting a monthly standup night at Royal Art Cafe and performing with the Sweet Danger improv troupe in its monthly shows at Sappho Live Jazz.

Charlie works as a program host with Radio Taiwan International, where he presents Live from Taipei, a weekly inside look at the city’s performing arts scene. Between 2006 and 2010 he cowrote and produced Instant Noodles, a topical radio sketch show, which he still hopes to revive if he ever gets round to it.

Earlier this year, Charlie made his acting debut in Ives’ Shorts at the Lab Space. He is also a sought-after host for live shows ranging from burlesque and cabaret to live music nights, as well as his own creation Charlie Storrar’s Death Panel, a themed comedy panel quiz show that blends elements of improv, trivia and theater. Six editions of the show
have been staged with regular collaborators at venues including the Taipei Comedy Club, Little London and most recently, the Lab.

Charlie Storrar <

Red Room Roasts: 
Co-Founder Ping Chu steps into the hot seat for our very first Roast by Red Room Friends
Roastmaster 黃敬峰 A-Fong
Brendon Chen
Tina Ma
Brook Hall

Roastmaster: A-FONG 關於阿峰:黃敬峰 A-Fong生意長 Businessmaker
Crosspoint Culture inc. 交點文化股份有限公司
Crosspoint 每個月夜晚的定期聚會,我們彼此分享夢想的藍圖、熱情的所在、工作的點滴。
Website :
Facebook Page :

Roaster Tina Ma
Tina Ma is the Red Room resident muse. She has attended nearly every single Aside the Red Room has had, crossing themes and genres with her poise and grace. Tina performs traditional music in several Chinese dialects, and she has recently been pursuing the ancient art of Shamanism, taking her experience to an even farther realm.
Tina Ma 是紅房的常駐繆斯。她參與了將近每一個紅房舉辦過的Aside,以優雅的姿態及氣質結合各種題材及類型。Tina 以各種不同中文方言表演傳統音樂,而最近更開始學習薩滿古教以增進自己的經驗。

Roaster Brendon Chen
Brendon is the founder of Escape Artist. He likes to read a lot, and is a dreamer. He has studied jewelry design in Milan and was a musical actor before he began Escape Artist, The Art of Paintertainment.

Roaster Brook Hall:
Brook Hall currently serves as the Artistic Director of 實演場 The LAB Space, Taipei’s only international residential theatre company. More information about its mission and its events can be found at A book about his 15 years in Taiwan show business is in the works.