
9 – 10 April 2016, Gong Master Traning (GMT Level 1) 銅鑼師一級培訓

(Please scroll down for package & daily rate)

The gong is a sacred threshold. It is a portal that links the finite and the infinite experience of the self. Whenever our intention is to cross that portal, we must consciously link to the chain of being.

The Golden Link should be established before playing the first note of the gong.

The Gong’s teachings feed our higher mind with a spiritual knowledge that helps us to revive our awareness and develop our intuition and power of synthesis, connecting with the heart. It is the path to mastery in the use of sound as a tool of transformation and wellbeing in the way to service the humanity!

The Gong Master Training is aimed at all professionals and advanced sound therapists, or student of yoga, or the musician, but also for those who simply wish to be introduced in the power of self-realization and healing with the gong.

This training is designed to also receive the intermediate and advanced students of Gong, so that they may develop their skills to teach students and thereby converting it into teachers of teachers.

Day 1 – 4
GONG – History, types of gongs, techniques for playing, hand techniques, maintenance, accessories (mallets, stands, bags), Preparation and execution of Gong Baths and Concert, Play
the gong for meditation and in the yoga classes.

Day 5
VOICE – Freeing the voice, overtone singing, singing with shruti box, mantras.

4/9 – 4/14

Full Package Early Bird Special : $36,000NTD 6 DAYS ($6,000NTD One Day Pass)
Early Bird Special Valid Until 2016, 3/15.

Full Package Deal : $42,000NTD , 6 DAYS ($7,000NTD One Day Pass)
“銅鑼是靈魂之歌(The Gong is the spirit song)”,敲擊銅鑼喚起我們內在深層的靈魂記憶,這天籟之聲來自宇宙,讓數以萬計的聲波頻率我們進入細胞,洗滌身心靈。世界級的銅鑼師培訓不僅可以學習如何敲擊銅鑼,進行聲音療癒,更為您打下紮實的聲音療癒師與演奏師之基礎,不論您是芳療師、瑜珈教師、靈性療癒工作者、聲音愛好者,甚至是音樂專業人士,經過銅鑼師一級培訓課程,您就能夠啟動內在的療癒之聲,發揮療癒與創意的本能。

授課講師Gongmuse Surana 是歐洲著名的音療師,早在20多年前就開始遍訪世界文明發祥地,尋求並學習神聖的聲音療癒秘法。擅長各種樂器,尤其具備多年的頌缽、水晶缽之教學與個案經驗。拜Don Conreaux為師學習銅鑼後,開始和大師一起參加演出,並參與銅鑼培訓課程、神聖聲音療法工作坊、Nada Yoga(音流瑜伽),以及“發聲音療法”工作坊等的教學。

銅鑼師一級培訓六天課程規劃:(每日 10:00~17:30,午休 1.5 hrs)

4/9~4/10 (周六~周日) 銅鑼歷史、銅鑼師培訓之道、懸掛式與手提式敲擊法、個案療癒練

4/11~4/13 (周一~周三) 行星銅鑼簡介與功效、和諧敲的打擊法與共振方式、銅鑼瑜珈概述、銅

4/14 (週四) 印度手風琴彈奏法、梵咒唱誦的技巧、風琴與唱誦之結合,如何在銅鑼

※ 請穿著輕便衣褲、水杯,並攜帶瑜珈墊與保暖衣物,如欲住宿者請自行攜帶盥洗衣物與用具,有銅鑼者請自行攜帶銅鑼、鑼棒與鑼架。

地址:Red Room 紅房國際村– 台北市大安區建國南路一段177號(濟南路與建國南路交叉口)

費用:原價 NT$ 42,000 早鳥價 NT$ 36,000 (3/15截止),不含食物。

※ 開放選擇單日的訪客選修,每日 NT$ 7,000 (早鳥價 每日 NT$6,600)


Red Room
TAF 空總創新基地 建國南路一段177號, Taipei, Taiwan 106

30 March 2016, Spirits of the Night 9 ~ Gong Meditation 明亮之夜~~銅鑼冥想

This event has been rescheduled. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Spirits of the Night 9 ~ Gong Meditation

Wednesday March 30th 2016.. 7:30PM – 9PM
Your patronage: 300NT
Doors Open 入場: 7:15PM
Performance 表演開始: 7:30 -9:00 PM

The gong is an ancient shamanic instrument of healing, rejuvenation and transformation, containing the sacred seed sound of OM (Aum) that affects the third eye and the pituitary and pineal glands, increasing our intuition, connecting us to divine wisdom and universal love. Physically, the gong takes us to a state of deep relaxation releasing energetic blocks, vibrating the cells, as it balances the glandular and nervous systems, increases prana (vital life force energy) and improves circulation. The gong also works deeply on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Before the gong meditation, you will do some yoga and breathing exercises, it will let you more relax and comfortable for sound healing. Vibrate the cosmos and the cosmos shall clear the path. On a spiritual level, the gong helps us to clear our path of obstacles so that we may live life from our hearts and our truth, and not from fear or our limiting negative beliefs. Final, we will sing two mantras to assists in allowing for a clearer path to hearing our heart’s truth and our intuition.

Note: Please wear or bring warm loose clothing to the session, and prepare a jacket to cover your body.





時間:2016年3月30日(三) 19:30~21:00 (入場: 7:15PM)
地點:Red Room 紅房國際村 (台北市大安區建國南路一段177號-濟南路與建國南路交叉口)
開支攤提費 $300NTD.

聲波共振 (Acoustic Resonance)

裘莉 (Julie Chiu) (
接受Don Conreaux國際銅鑼師、喜馬拉雅頌缽音療師等訓練,舉辦2015年銅鑼台灣巡演,全省5場銅鑼浴,1場銅鑼音樂會,推動國內聲波療癒之風潮,自2014年11月建立《聲波共振 Acoustic Resonance》臉書社團,目前已經近1000多位以上會員,經常舉辦各種聲波活動,並介紹國外各種聲波療癒的影片與知識。

陳緯翔 (Wei Shiang Chen) (
2011年開始接觸昆達里尼瑜珈,在完成KRI第一級教師認證後,定期前往美國總部瑜珈節深化進修。除教授常規瑜珈課程外,目前主要投入Japji Sahib(靈魂之歌)經文教唱、課程口譯,與教材筆譯。

How to find us:
Taiwan Air Force Base (TAF) 空軍總部 「圖書館」LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)
Our entrance is located on the intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd. (TAF side entrance). After passing the gate, keep marching forward and you’ll see a white building to your left called Library. Make your way to the second floor via the outer staircase on the side.
Travel by MRT[Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 6]Walk straight along XinSheng S. Road , then turn left on Jinan Road Sec.2 , continue down and you’ll spot the entrance!

18 February 2016, Sound Mystery of The Universe ~~Gong Concert

Sound Mystery of The Universe ~~Gong Concert

時間:2016年2月18日(四)/2月26(五) 19:30~21:00

我們歡迎您來感受聲波驚人且革命性的神秘經驗,這將有一個融合的銅鑼、水晶缽、頌缽、鏜鼓、雨笙、銅鈴…等古代和現代樂器表演,當然還有最美麗的人聲。這樣不和諧與和諧之聲相結合,將帶你進入一個內在探索的旅程。完全不搭調的音樂創造生活,亦即現今的音樂。透過聲音的共振 – – 整合,將帶來無窮的各種不同潛力。銅鑼音樂會的目的和目標是培養觀眾的意識量子轉移,以便啟動普遍性的包容狀態,而不是排他性的。所有音樂會都使用銅鑼作為它的神秘和弦整體共鳴的基礎。我們演奏每一場音樂會,我們均將其奉獻給世界和平。

時間:2016年2月18日(四)/2月26(五) 19:30~21:00
地點:Red Room 紅房國際村 (台北市大安區建國南路一段177號(濟南路與建國南路交叉口))
開支攤提費 $300NTD.

聲波共振 (Acoustic Resonance)
裘莉 (Julie Chiu) (
接受Don Conreaux國際銅鑼師、喜馬拉雅頌缽音療師等訓練,舉辦2015年銅鑼台灣巡演,全省5場銅鑼浴,1場銅鑼音樂會,推動國內聲波療癒之風潮,自2014年11月建立《聲波共振 Acoustic Resonance》臉書社團,目前已經850多位以上會員,經常舉辦各種聲波活動,並介紹國外各種聲波療癒的影片與知識。

Sound Mystery of The Universe ~~Gong Concert

We welcome you to an amazing, transformational Musical Mystery experience which will combine the gong, crystal bowl, singing bowl, tounge drum, koshi bell…etc and the human voice. Combination of alpha and omega music, dissonance and harmony which will take you on an inner journey. Music in full, dissonant music which creates life, is the music of the Now. Harmonious and coherent music that dissolves in the physical background.

Syntonic rules of rarely used musical way, and a synthesis of tone differences made in order to bring about a different, dimensionless world of endless potential. The purpose and goal of gong concert is to nurture the quantum shifting of consciousness of the audience in order to initiate an inclusive state of universality rather than an exclusive one. All of the concerts are healing concerts using holistic resonance of the gong as its mystic chord. Every concert we play we dedicate to World Peace.

Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $300NTD.

裘莉 (Julie Chiu) (
Acoustic Resonance
接受Don Conreaux國際銅鑼師、喜馬拉雅頌缽音療師等訓練,舉辦2015年銅鑼台灣巡演,全省5場銅鑼浴,1場銅鑼音樂會,推動國內聲波療癒之風潮,自2014年11月建立《聲波共振 Acoustic Resonance》臉書社團,目前已經850多位以上會員,經常舉辦各種聲波活動,並介紹國外各種聲波療癒的影片與知識。

14 January 2016, Spirits of the Night VI Gong Bath, 明亮之夜 VI 聆聽宇宙之聲

gong-imageSpirits of the Night VI Gong Bath, 明亮之夜 VI 聆聽宇宙之聲

Listening to the sounds of the Universe – Gong Bath



Gong sound notes are beautiful and strong vibrations, a gong bath constantly stacked over top one another, Like water droplets hitting the surface of your skin, as if washing the body under the waterfall of the sound of gong. Gong is the only musical instrument that can tap into the inner depths of the divine creation of space vibrations. The sound of the gong is the soul. When we strike the gong, it is just as the percussion of the universe, into the vast galaxy whirlpool washing body and mind. Sonic makes us calm, relaxed, but also closer to the inner self.

Session lead by Julie Chiu (
Acoustic Resonance
Received training from international gong master Don Conreaux, Himalayan singing bowls sound therapists and other training, held a 2015 gong tour in Taiwan, 5 sessions in total. One gong concert was to promote healing of internal acoustic wave, which was in November 2014 to establish “Acoustic Resonance. Acoustic Resonance” Facebook community now has more than 850 members, regularly organize various acoustic events and introduce a variety of foreign films and knowledge about sonic healing.

Follow us with dancing limbs, deep breathing, physical and emotional release of negative energy, then completely relax listening to the operation of the stars of the universe, give yourself a quiet night.

Note: Please wear or bring warm loose clothing to the session, it would be best to bring a yoga mat so you can easily lie down, and prepare a jacket to cover your body.

時間:2016年1月14日 (四) 19:30~21:00
地點:Red Room 紅房國際村 (台北市大安區建國南路一段177號(濟南路與建國南路交叉口))


Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $300NTD.

裘莉 (Julie Chiu) (
Acoustic Resonance
接受Don Conreaux國際銅鑼師、喜馬拉雅頌缽音療師等訓練,舉辦2015年銅鑼台灣巡演,全省5場銅鑼浴,1場銅鑼音樂會,推動國內聲波療癒之風潮,自2014年11月建立《聲波共振 Acoustic Resonance》臉書社團,目前已經850多位以上會員,經常舉辦各種聲波活動,並介紹國外各種聲波療癒的影片與知識。