洪惠文 Katy Hui-Wen Hung

洪惠文 Katy Hui-Wen Hung

 林明燦 Lin Ming-Tsan

林明燦 Lin Ming-Tsan

總舖師 Bando master chef
全俊逸 Chuan Jun-Yi

全俊逸 Chuan Jun-Yi

Aboriginal Taiwanese chef and shepherd.

食物匯聚人心:旁白在紅坊16, June 2, 2018


第十六回「旁白在紅坊」 (2018年6月2日)
6:30pm – 10:30pm
Red Room International Village 紅坊國際村, TAF 空軍總部


  • 活動當晚會有飲料輕食
  • 場內席地而坐,請穿舒適的衣服並請記得脫鞋子。





洪惠文 Katy Hui-Wen Hung 

林明燦 Lin Ming-Tsan

全俊逸 Chuan Jun-Yi




這次請到Katy Hui-Wen Hung來為我們解惑,她也是即將出版的「A Culinary History of Taipei-Beyond Pork and Ponlai」一書的共同作者。Katy會跟大家分享一些關於她兩年來對於台灣食物文化的探究故事與經驗談。她曾說過:「台灣料理應當被輕輕地頗析而不是粗暴的強行定義。」

Food Connects People – Aside 16, 2 June 2018

Taiwan’s Food Culture…its history, traditions, development and flavors.

The Red Room invites you to
16th Aside@the Red Room, on June 2, 2018.
6:30pm – 10:30pm
Red Room International Village, TAF 空軍總部

Reservations required. Please register here to reserve your seat. Light refreshments will be provided. Floor seating so please dress comfortably.

Red Room is an international community supporting creativity and the arts. And what’s more creative than Food? No matter what culture or background we come from, the one thing we all have in common is “We all have to eat”. Join us at Aside 16 as we explore Taiwan’s Food Culture…its history, traditions, development and flavors.

As Katy says ~

“Taiwan cuisine should be delicately explained not forcefully defined.”

Make sure to bring all 5 of your senses and enjoy this culinary journey with us!

Our presenters include:

洪惠文 Katy Hui-Wen Hung 

林明燦 Lin Ming-Tsan

全俊逸 Chuan Jun-Yi

What is Taiwan’s food culture? Most people probably immediately think of night markets or comfort food. Even locals from different backgrounds or generations may have varying opinions about this particular topic.

Taiwan’s complicated history and unique geography have greatly influenced its food culture. She has more than 20 microclimates including fresh and salt waters, mountains, valleys and plains. Taiwan also has developed agriculture and aquaculture techniques that yield abundant varieties of local produce. The diversity of cooking styles and flavors brought here by waves of immigrants starting from the 17th century have expanded the offerings of international cuisines here as well.

In recent years, the global “local food movement” trend has also taken hold in Taiwan. A growing number of restaurants opened by world class chefs are offering “farm to table’ dining in both casual and upscale environments. However, this concept of using local fresh and natural ingredients has always been the basis of Taiwan’s Indigenous cuisine. How well does Taiwan balance the traditional with the new? Indigenous with International? Is there such a thing as Authentic Taiwanese Cuisine?

This is something that Katy Hui-Wen Hung, co-author of her upcoming book: A Culinary History of Taipei-Beyond Pork and Ponlai, can perhaps help in satisfying some curious minds. She will share some stories of her two year journey exploring and experiencing the food culture of Taiwan.