Reflections, Aside 13, April 30 2016

Aside 13 April 30 2016

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Aside 13 at the Red Room was a three hour journey along the paths of 5 individual and group performers- each with their own story of adventure and wonder to share. The evening opened with words from Red Room’s co-founder, Ping Chu. Ping encouraged the audience to reflect on the importance of the people we meet throughout or travels. “At Red Room,” he said, “it takes only a minute to meet someone, but a lifetime to forget them.” While the day-to-day interactions we have with our friends and colleagues may seem trivial in the moment, Ping reminds us that life is a collection of a multitude of moments, each shaping our experiences, like stones lying in the middle of a narrow stream.

The evening flowed onward to the first performer, Tina Ma. Tina spun a tale of blazing one’s own future and identity through facing different challenges. Her story-song used the personification of animals to symbolize the the wise lessons we can learn from nature. She urged the audience to meditate on the importance of emotion and kindness in our actions, asking “When we act, do we use all four chambers of our heart?” Tina’s question made us wonder: are we full hearted in our interactions and experiences, or do we simply give half of ourselves? Her performance asserted that in order to learn, love, and give to the world, we have to use all four chambers of the heart and feel love flowing through all aspects of our being.

As if mirroring the heart beat pumping blood and life throughout us all, Mia Hsieh used her steel drum to play a song that strikingly embodied the light-hearted nature of travel. In contrast, her vocal tones expressed a yearning for something lost along the way. After all, while Emerson emphasized the whimsy of weaving one’s own trail, he also posited that ” Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” Mia’s song led the listener to believe that perhaps the singing traveller had neglected to hold fast to “the beautiful,” mistakenly confusing the painful lessons of growth with regret and flaw- forgetting that experiences mould us and therefore beautify the paths on which we walk.

Sue de Simone candidly told the audience about walking her own beautiful journey through growth. She began with a rock song based on the adage, “nothing ventured, nothing gained,” telling the audience of how a benign brain tumor lead to a series of addictions from cigarettes to alcohol, from alcohol to cigarettes and from cigarettes to chocolate. While the story was harrowing, Sue used humor to draw attention to her current reality- a successful performer, healthy and full of life.

Rocking us back to the past, Ruth Giordano and the Red Room Radio Redux crew shared an excerpt from their upcoming show, “Treasure Island.” The connection to the evening’s theme is clear- a journey across the sea to find an elusive prize. Although “Treasure Island” may be a classic, the excerpt left the audience wondering how the story would end.

As if on cue, the night came to a hopeful close with Scott Prairie and Mia Hsieh’s collaboration on a series of songs. The final song in their set reminded the audience that, “it’s going to be ok.” With this upbeat and energetic close, the audience rose back to life, bustling hurriedly to catch old friends before heading home and to embrace new friends will a full heart.

Kristin S. is new to Taipei and is excited to volunteer at the Red Room as a rookie. In her free time she enjoys reading psychological thrillers, exploring new cities, and yoga.

30 April 2016, Aside 13

Red Room Aside 13 invite

The Red Room invites you to the
13th Aside@the Red Room, on April 30, 2016.
6:30pm – 10:30pm



Read more on the performers at this link. Download invitation pdf here.

Reservations required. Your Patronage $500NTD. Please register here to reserve your seat. Beverages and light refreshments will be provided. Floor seating so please dress comfortably.

Red Room International Village, TAF 空軍總部 「圖書館」2F LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.“

Joseph Campbell

“The Road Less Traveled” is the theme for this Aside. What are attributes that make a person feel fulfilled? What does it mean to constantly seek new visions, to extend beyond normal boundaries and to step boldly down that ‘road less traveled’. Unbounded passion is the driving force behind their actions and growth as artists and human beings.

Please join Red Room International Village on April 30, 2016 as each of these artists share their individual journeys encompassing words, sounds and music. Let us support their quest for inspired vision and new means of expression.

About Aside:
Aside derives its name from the theatrical term of “taking an aside,” where characters break the fourth wall to address the audience directly with their insight, secret aspirations, and original perspectives.

The presenters at Aside are individuals who have found inspiration in their craft and in turn have shared their inspiration with us. They utilize their discipline to communicate with creativity and breach the gap between artist and audience.

第十三回「旁白在紅房」 (2016年4月30日)
6:30pm – 10:30pm
Red Room International Village 紅房國際村, TAF 空軍總部 「圖書館」2F LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)


“當你遵循你內心的喜悅 宇宙將會在牆壁上幫你當開一扇門.“
約瑟夫 • 坎貝爾

Aside 這次的主題是:”少有人走的路”。到底是哪些特質能讓一個人感到滿足?能持續尋覓新的願景並跨出正常邊界踏上 “少有人走的路” 意謂著什麼? 熱無限情能為人類及藝術家帶來無限的成長與發展。


「旁白在紅房」得名於 “taking an aside” 之戲劇術語,表示表演者為了以較直接的方式表達他們的真知灼見和獨特的觀點而打破隔離觀眾與舞台的隱形屏障。


Browse photos from past Asides


How to find us:
Taiwan Air force Base (TAF) 空軍總部 「圖書館」LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)
Our entrance is located on the intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd. (TAF side entrance). After passing the gate, keep marching forward and you’ll see a white building to your left called Library. Make your way to the second floor via the outer staircase on the side.
Travel by MRT[Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 6]Walk straight along XinSheng S. Road, then turn left on Jinan Road Sec.2 , continue down and you’ll spot the entrance!

Performers at Aside 12, January 30 2016

Aside 12 @ the Red Room  SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015, 6:30PM – 10:00PM
Reservations required 須留定位.
Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $500NTD.


Rose Najia // Awareness and Improvisation Teacher
roseRose Najia is an international teacher, healer, performer, and facilitator of co-creative space. She is the founder of The Garden of Radical Presence, A School Exploring Nature, Art, and Healing, where she teaches collaborative improvisation, nature-based healing and plant spirit medicine, Tibetan meditation practices, non-violent communication, dream work, and a group visioning practice called Attentive Stillness Toward the Emergence of the Unknown. Rose also designs and facilitates interactive learning-events, performances, and healing rituals for groups and individuals interested in nature, healing, perception, and creativity.
Rose Najia 是一個創意空間的國際老師、治療師、表演者和協調人。她創辦了The Garden of Radical Presence,一間探索大自然、藝術、與療癒的學院並在那教導協作性即興演出、自然療癒法、植物精神醫學、藏式禪修、和平性溝通、夢境造作以及領導一個叫做Attentive Stillness Toward the Emergence of the Unknown的預卜團體。Rose 同時也為對大自然、療癒、及創作有興趣的個人及團體設計與協調一些互動型的學習活動、演出與治癒儀式。
This performance is an interactive improvisation which explores two ways of using our senses: Grasping the World and Receiving the World. The audience will be invited to participate in sensory explorations and to consider what is sacred in their experiences of the Five Elements and the Five Senses.
這會是一場互動型的即興演出,而會探索兩種使用覺知的方法:掌握世界 與 接受世界。觀眾們會被邀請來做覺知的探討而思考自己對五個元素和五個感官中有何密切的關聯。


Spencer Huang // Liquid Jedi
SPENCERSpencer Huang is one of the founders of R&D Cocktail Lab, a craft cocktail bar in the heart of Taipei that focuses on made-to-spec libations. Being of mixed heritage and having been raised between California and Hawaii, Spencer naturally found his niche bridging two cultures, specializing in finding ingredients and flavors that accentuate both Eastern and Western styles.
Spencer Huang 是 R&D Cocktail Lab 的創辦人之一,而R&D是間位於台北市中心的雞尾酒吧,專精於創造客製化的飲品。由於本身來自多元的背景又長大於加州和夏威夷兩地,Spencer很簡單的就能銜接兩個不同的文化,也能輕易的用材料與調味強調東方及西方的特色。

Synopsis: The Journey of Flavor” is an interactive visceral presentation that will focus on the links between geography, basic gastronomic chemical reactions, and the physiological influences that all come together to create what we know as “flavor.”
“The Journey of Flavor” (風味之旅)會以具互動性及原始性的呈現方法專注於地理、基本化學作用及實體影響來結合創造出我們所了解的 “口味”。

aside 12 PRESENTERS tinaTina Ma // Singer & Red Room Muse 歌手 & 紅房繆斯
Tina Ma is the Red Room resident muse. She has attended nearly every single Aside the Red Room has had, crossing themes and genres with her poise and grace. Tina performs traditional music in several Chinese dialects, and she has recently been pursuing the ancient art of Shamanism, taking her experience to an even farther realm.
Tina Ma 是紅房的常駐繆斯。她參與了將近每一個紅房舉辦過的Aside,以優雅的姿態及氣質結合各種題材及類型。Tina 以各種不同中文方言表演傳統音樂,而最近更開始學習薩滿古教以增進自己的經驗。

Synopsis: Tina’s performance will include ritual, song, and the art of human spirit.
Tina 的表演會包括儀式、歌曲、及人類靈魂的藝術。

aside 12 PRESENTERS billy
Billy Chang 張逸軍 // Natural Kind Spirit 樸質友善的靈魂
Choreographer and dancer, Billy loves to share the joy of dance in nature and appreciates the moment of compassion. Born and raised in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Billy joined Cirque du Soleil as a dance soloist for one of the principal roles, “Yao”, in the production, “Dralion”. After touring the world with Cirque du Soleil, Billy grew to appreciate the forgotten beauty of his homeland, Taiwan. In 2012, he returned to Taiwan and founded “Natural Kind Inspiration Garden”, hoping to raise public’s awareness on human destruction of nature, and to reflect on the beauty of Taiwan through his performances.
同時身為編舞家及舞者,Billy熱愛分享在自然中舞蹈的愉悅而欣賞和藹的當下。在台灣新竹出生長大的 Billy 以獨舞者 “Yao” 的身份加入了Cirque du Soleil (太陽劇團) 的 Dralion (“超越極限”)。跟著太陽劇團巡迴演出之後,Billy 開始重新欣賞家鄉台灣之美。他在2012年返回台灣並創辦了 “Natural Kind Inspiration Garden” (仁山仁海藝想堂),並希望可以藉此喚起大家保護大自然的覺知而透過他的表演來展現台灣的美麗。

aside 12 PRESENTERS vicky

Vicky Sun // Singer / Poet 歌手 / 詩人
vicky sun aside 12Born and raised in Taipei, BA’d and MBA’d in New York, and Erasmused in France.
Although Vicky was educated in the disciplines of International Politics, French Literature, and Business Management, she derives the most joy in her life from good food, good company, and good art. Notable hobbies include snort-laughing, doing headstands, and making a killer chimichurri.

SynopsisVicky’s performance will include a spoken word piece and a few songs accompanied by guitar.
Vicky的表演會包括朗讀一段詩文及唱幾首有吉他伴奏的歌。 0972-756-857

aside 12 PRESENTERS ericEric Shen // Blues Guitar藍調吉他
EricEric Shen is a Software Engineer by day and a guitarist by night. He has been playing guitar and devoting himself to music for many years. There is no question that music is his life. He has performed in music houses and clubs with musicians from Taiwan and other countries. His passion and desire to learn more about music and guitar influenced him to enroll at the Musicians Institute in LA next year. He is an enthusiast of blues, swing jazz and rockabilly.
白天的 Eric Shen 是個軟體工程師,而夜晚的 Eric Shen 是吉他手。他已經歷了多年的吉他演奏,也很認真的把自己奉獻給音樂。不用質疑:音樂就是他的生命。Eric經常在各個音樂場地及俱樂部與各國的音樂家合作演出。他想多學習音樂並讓吉他更上一層樓的激進心啟發他明年去LA的Musicians Institute就學。Eric喜歡的音樂包括藍調、搖擺爵士及鄉村搖滾樂。

Synopsis: Eric will be performing and collaborating with Vicky Sun on a couple of Blues/Jazz pieces.
Eric 會與 Vicky Sun 一起合作表演幾首藍調/爵士樂曲。


Alina Lin // Gourmet Chef美食廚師

IMG_0224Raised in the countryside of Kaohsiung, BF’d and commercial cookery in Hospitality in Taiwan, and Sydney, Australia.
Since childhood my mom taught me all about Chinese cooking. Now I love to use different methods to present food and share experiences with my friends.

Synopsis: Flavor is the basis of good food but presentation and smell also attracts people. When I create a special menu, I focus on these elements and like to also take advantage of the seasonal selections.

30 January 2016, Aside 12

30th January 2016
18:30 to 22:30

Red Room Aside 12 invite

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2015, 6:30PM – 10:00PM

Aside derives its name from the theatrical term of “taking an aside,” where characters break the fourth wall to address the audience directly with their insight, secret aspirations, and original perspectives.

The presenters at Aside are individuals who have found inspiration in their craft and in turn have shared their inspiration with us. They utilize their discipline to communicate with creativity and breach the gap between artist and audience.

Our theme for this Aside is “Blue,” Blue is the world’s favorite color. It is cool, wet, and calming as compared to red’s warmth, fire, and intensity.

Blue has been used in art, decorations and as a clothing dye since ancient times. Egyptians used it in jewelry and ornaments; In Asia, indigo dyed many fabrics and clothing; The Middle Ages saw it prevalent in Cathedrals’ stained glass windows; The Chinese used it in their fine porcelain. Renoir, Van Gogh and other late 19th century artists used the color to depict nature and create moods and emotions.

Please join Red Room International Village on January 30, 2016 in embracing the many facets of Blue – titillating your five senses of sound, sight, touch, smell & taste.

Our presenters bios can be viewed here.

Reservations required 須留定位.
Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $500NTD.
Email us at
Beverages and light refreshments will be provided. Floor seating so please dress comfortably.

紅房邀請你於 105 年 01 月 30 號參加第十二回的「旁白在紅房」活動。
請在 01 月 30 號加入紅廳國際村的行列,投入藍色的懷抱,挑逗你的聽覺,視覺,觸覺,嗅覺和味覺。
「旁白在紅房」得名於 “taking an aside” 之戲劇術語,表示表演者為了以較直接的方式表達他們的真知灼見和獨特的觀點而打破隔離觀眾與舞台的隱形屏障。
須留定位. 開支攤提費 $500NTD。
Please register here to reserve your seat. ( 請由此網站定位。

How to find us:
Taiwan Air force Base (TAF) 空軍總部 「圖書館」LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)
Our entrance is located on the intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd. (TAF side entrance). After passing the gate, keep marching forward and you’ll see a white building to your left called Library. Make your way to the second floor via the outer staircase on the side.
Travel by MRT[Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 6]Walk straight along XinSheng S. Road, then turn left on Jinan Road Sec.2 , continue down and you’ll spot the entrance!

31 October 2015, Aside 11 @ the Red Room

Red-Room-Aside-11-inviteHey Red Roomers!
Save the date on 31st October, as our eleventh Aside will be taking place that evening from 18:30 to 22:30. The 31st of October is Halloween, which comes from the term “Hallows Eve,” and was a pagan holiday that was celebrated the day before what later became All Saints Day in the Catholic calendar.

The theme for this Aside will focus on “Spirit,” and the Crown Chakra, the chakra responsible for connecting us to our selves, our spirit, and the universe. Come and join us for a very special evening with our speakers who will take us on the spiritual journey that brought them to where they are and who they are today!

Costumes recommended!

10 月 31 號是我們第十一回的「旁白在紅房」, 而這一回的活動當天正好是在萬聖節。「萬聖節」這個傳統原本來自於古歐洲少數民族文化的儀式, 是一個迎接他們宗教裡最神聖的節日, 宛如我們的除夕夜。後來當這些少數民族被天主教的歐洲人收納之後這個節日就成為了我們熟悉的萬聖節了。
既然這個節日傳統上是個那麼據有神聖價值的, 這一回的「旁白們」會來跟我們聊聊他們的心靈旅程, 以及他們的專長當中的魂與魄。歡迎大家一起來欣賞他們的經歷, 另外, 我們非常支持您穿服裝打扮, 連同歡慶萬聖節的另一面!

Reservations required 須留定位. Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $500NTD.
Please register here to reserve your seat. ( 請由此網站定位.
Beverages and light refreshments will be provided. Floor seating so please dress comfortably. 活動當晚會有飲料輕食,票價含此費用。場內席地而坐,請穿舒適的衣服並請記得脫鞋子,謝謝。

How to find us:
Taiwan Air force Base (TAF) 空軍總部 「圖書館」LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)
Our entrance is located on the intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd. (TAF side entrance). After passing the gate, keep marching forward and you’ll see a white building to your left called Library. Make your way to the second floor via the outer staircase on the side.
Travel by MRT[Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 6]Walk straight along XinSheng S. Road , then turn left on Jinan Road Sec.2 , continue down and you’ll spot the entrance!


an-ny-2An-ny Lee Born in Taiwan, grew up in the USA, An-ny integrates her background in Western psychology with Eastern schools of wisdom. She has a Master’s degree in Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology, and is a certified therapist of the the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, which specializes in treating trauma with Body-centered Psychotherapy. An-ny is also a certified life coach and yoga teacher. Since 1999, she has been working as a psycho-spiritual therapist, seminar leader, and yoga teacher in many countries. She is the author of 2 books published in Chinese. An-ny leads workshops and retreats dedicated to raising our consciousness and uncovering our innate wisdom. Her workshops topics include: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy, Spiritual Love Relationship, and Healing the Inner Child. An-ny also leads Yoga Teacher’s Trainings. For more detailed information about her background, please see:

出生於台灣,九歲移民到美國,是在中國少數同時接受過西方專業心理諮商訓練,以及東方正統瑜珈與氣功訓練的身心靈引導師。安妮擁有十六年帶領心靈療癒課程與諮商經驗,從1999開始將東西方專業學理與經驗併行融合,協助無數人獲得新生。安妮擁有美國心理學碩士學位,專攻身體心理學 (Somatic Psychology)與超個人心理學(Transpersonal Psychology)以及美國知覺傳動心理治療學院(Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute)創傷復原的證照。安妮曾撰寫「妳天生就是性愛女神:喚醒愛‧智慧‧性能量的十堂課,與「讓愛自由: 男人女人支持彼此活出真實自我」她目前在世界各地教授一系列的身心轉化課程,包括培養女性性能量、親密關係、深層療癒課程與瑜珈師資班。綱站:

SYNOPSIS: Anny will guide us to do a yogic chant and Loving-Kindness meditation. Chanting is a large part of traditional yoga practice called Bhakti yoga, the practice of “Devotional Love.” It is a non-religious spiritual practice that invokes the Divine within and around us. By repeating the sound of these sacred words, we naturally surrender our ego, and enter into a meditative state where we can commune with the Divine.

An-ny will then lead to do a kind of guided meditation called Metta, “Loving Kindness” meditation (慈悲觀), where we get in touch with the positive qualities of our heart, such as love, compassion and gratitude. We first soak in this loving feeling, then use our collective energy to send it out to others and the entire planet.

When we come back to the positive feeling of our heart and practice Metta meditation, our electromagnetic field sends out coherent wavelengths, that scientific technology now is able to measure. Regardless of science, just by practicing chanting and Metta meditation, we will feel a sense of joy and peace, which is our most natural state.

Photo-Tina-MaTina Ma is the Red Room resident muse. She has attended nearly every single Aside the Red Room has had, crossing themes and genres with her poise and grace. Tina is a performs traditional music in several Chinese dialects, she has also recently been pursuing the ancient art of Shamanism, taking her experience to an even farther realm.

Synopsis: Tina will host a ceremony for the Red Room and its patrons on the night of October 31st. It will include ritual, song, and the art of human spirit.

stefanoStefano Lodola
After studies in engineering and business, I realized that I was rather inclined to independence, free thinking and creation in the arts.

In a life aloof from competition that permeates society and makes us petty and miserable, it makes sense to sing opera, indifferent to pop culture that makes us trivial and shallow.

I don’t have a “real” job and I’ve never really fit into society. Free from social bonds, I’ve been wandering around the world, only carrying a suitcase that became lighter and lighter. Join me in this wandering of thought and romance.

ASIDE 11 PRESENTERS 4BMNeo Young is currently managing director of a tech company that uses an algorithm he developed to help people with hearing disabilities hear sounds more clearly. He is a shaman of the Hawaiian Huna tradition, certified in Reiki, life coaching, hypnosis, and a plethora of other healing modalities. He is also a master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-linguistic programming and has helped many people overcome emotional issues and led seminars on human consciousness.

How To Know If You Are On Your Spiritual Path

We will begin with a short 3 minute eye gazing experience for people to get connected with one another before talking on the topic of how to have checkpoints to know whether we are on our spiritual path.

Since spirituality can sometimes be an amorphous concept, wouldn’t it be great if we can have checkpoints to see whether we are heading in the right direction?

First, let’s create a basic definition of spirituality. On a basic level, it is the evolution of self. On a more holistic basis, it is the elevation of who we are to the next level in the major spheres of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realm.

Why does spirituality include physical, emotional, and mental aspects? Because we are holistic beings and when someone evolves on the spiritual level and it is fully integrated into the physical aspect, then it will necessarily show up in their day to day lives.

Special Feature: R4 presents, THE RAVEN by Edgar Allen Poe. Read aloud dramatically by Thomas Bellmore, accompanied by music, sound effects and a live painting event featuring artist Charles Haines.
還有加碼演出!伴著懸疑的配樂及音效,Thomas Bellmore獨自演讀愛倫坡名著<烏鴉> (THE RAVEN)。除此之外,藝術家Charles Haines現場即興作畫活動邀請您一同參與。
The Raven
Our narrator is a young student reading in his room one stormy night, half-dreaming about his beloved deceased mistress. He hears a tapping at his window and opens it to admit a raven, which he assumes is someone’s pet that has escaped its master and is seeking shelter from the storm. The raven can speak – but only one word, “Nevermore.” Even so, the student is compelled by what the poet calls the “universal human need for self-torture” to ask the bird questions. The response “Nevermore” causes his suffering to be even more intense. When this self-torture reaches its most extreme level, the poem then naturally ends.
<烏鴉> 劇情簡介


RSVP now! Reservations required 須留定位. Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $500NTD.

Please register here to reserve your seat. ( 請由此網站定位.

Photos from past Aside events
Aside 10
Aside 9
Aside 8
Aside 7