Working Together: Impressions of Stage Time and Juice and R4

161204 1st Aesops rehearsal 2 from Red Room on Vimeo.

Ruth Landowne Giordano recently shared with us her impressions about leading the 5-week workshop to produce “Aesop’s Fables,” the second dramatic collaboration between Red Room Radio Redux and Stage Time and Juice. (The first one, “Jack and the Beanstalk” was presented at the anniversary celebrations just this past November.)

Ruth traditionally works with an adult cast to produce radio adaptations of classic literary tales such as “Dracula,” “Treasure Island,” and “A Christmas Carol.” She believes storytelling is an important way to keep alive certain aspects of culture, and to also teach valuable lessons. Her decision to involve children in the storytelling was because “children can bring a lot of imagination and energy to the performance.”

This is the first time she has worked with a bi-lingual group of children, with varying levels of proficiency in the English language. She selected Aesop’s tales and “The Little Red Hen” because she assumed that the children would have some degree of familiarity with these stories. Some of the children felt a little intimidated with speaking out in a less familiar language. Ruth worked around this by teaching them to express the story through body movements and sounds other than words. “All around I wanted it to be a playful time.” She hopes that the exercises that she took them through will open up alternatives to the more “reticent” kids.

When asked what she might do differently next time, she said she would not hold the workshop over such an extended period of time (five weeks with a two-week break for Christmas in between) because precious momentum is lost. She would also think more about how she can reach out to the children who might have confidence issues, working around her own pressure to meet a performance deadline.

Happily, Ruth is already dreaming about what the next production might be. Make sure you follow us on the Stage Time and Juice Facebook page, so that you don’t miss the next development!

by Carol Yao

21 January 2017, STJuice XXI: Aesop’s and Other Tales

STAGE TIME AND JUICE at the Red Room XXII: Aesops and Other Tales

Let’s kick off the new year by sharing a little of life’s wisdom! We invite everyone to come and take the stage for 5 minutes to share something funny or wise with a song, dance, joke, or story!

There will be a signup sheet at the door for those who wish to share. Everyone else is welcome to sit back and enjoy the companionship.

Ruth Giordano, director of Red Room Radio Redux, will also lead a group of Juicers in relating several of Aesop’s fables.

In order to lighten everyone’s load, we will no longer be hosting our community table. However, hot chocolate and juice will be available for purchase at the Bessie, the Red Room Bar.

Suggested age: 5-99

Contribution: NT150 per adult, NT 100 per child (ages 5-18) to cover cleaning costs.

STAGE TIME AND JUICE at the Red Room: 家庭聆聽分享會



導演兼紅房音控師 Ruth Giordano,也將帶領他們兒童團隊表演伊索寓言的戲劇。



活動日期與時間:1月21日(六) 2:30 pm – 4:30pm

清潔費:大人NT$150 ;小孩 (5-18歲) NT$100

Stage Time and Juice 是紅房(Red room)社群與 Taipei City Playgroup 共同舉辦的活動,主要是為了鼓勵小朋友們能發揮創意及步入探索的道路。 活動主要以英文進行,參加的小朋友們可以有機會聆聽故事、欣賞表演、分享彼此的才華與想法。歡迎一起加入我們的大家庭,倒點果汁,隨意找個位子坐下,和我們的夥伴們一同學習,一同分享這個多元化的平台。 活動當天在櫃台會有報名表,讓勇敢的小朋友們可登記上台朗讀、表演歌舞、魔術、短劇或講故事及笑話等。

活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.

Hosts: RED ROOM and The Taipei City Playgroup

Stage Time and Juice: Saffron and Playing for Change!

Stage Time and Juice passed its 3-year mark over the summer. Anticipating that our audience would thin out as people headed off on their separate vacations, we decided to put together a special treat for those who remained in the city. Thus, our Stage Time and Juice XVII: Saffron Summer was born!

Stage Time & Juice 18

Taipei City Playgroup mom, Jaya, immediately volunteered her husband’s restaurant’s services in providing some authentic Indian treats. Red Room mother, Roma, offered to lead us in drawing some chalk rangoli on the passageway. Priya Lalwani Purswaney, the newest addition to the Stage Time and Juice creative team, managed to snag the Dubey siblings, Awantika and Akash. The well-seasoned Dubeys introduced the art of kathak dancing accompanied by tabla percussion to our family audience. It was engaging, intimate, and of course had the most special element of Stage Time and Juice, being that everyone gets a front row seat!

STJ photo by Kenneth-Hu

STJ photo by Kenneth-Hu

As always, the Juice open-mic performers came out in full force, demonstrating techniques that they had developed in front of us over the years. Jaya turned to me at the end of the show, quite astonished. It was the first time she had come to Juice, and she felt that perhaps by attending regularly, this might just be the proper environment to coax something out of her stage-shy son as well?

September was our Playing For Change Fundraising month. We have held this event three times already, but this year we decided we would attempt to better our donation from last year of US$100. US$100, from Playing For Change’s perspective, is not a trifling amount: it can pay for 2 months of music classes for 4 children in Nepal. But our team decided that we would try to shoot for the NT10,000 mark this time, or about US $320.

In previous years, we had depended on the children and sometimes adults to come out and perform. We decided that we would emphasize this gesture in a fun way by placing a guitar case in front of the stage, and allowing the audience to show their support both for the performers and the cause by tossing change into the guitar case. All proceeds went towards The Playing For Change Foundation.

Volunteer Sue DeSimone happily invited some professional musicians to attend the show in order to introduce the Juicers to different kinds of music, namely rock, blues, rockabilly, and jazz. In the spirit of the Playing For Change organization, the event raised money for music education, but also provided some musical education content of its own!

Finally, we asked our community sponsors to donate their own products and services to our raffle. There was quite a dizzying and unusual array of prizes, but it impressively showcased the surprising range of projects that our larger community is involved in!

Many things did not go as expected in both events. In July, the TAF decided to fumigate the compound that day. As agreed upon, they sprayed around our area only in the morning and moved on to other places in the enormous complex, but that did not stop the guards at the gate from informing our guests that they would probably die if they attended our event! In September, the band riled up the audience so much that they were unable to return to their usual quiet attentiveness for the children’s fundraising segment. This was particularly painful to us as organizers, because the nurturing aspect of our open-mic segment is what is particularly special and precious about our program.
On a more positive, and unexpected note, we raised US$580 (NT18,186) to donate to the Playing For Change Foundation! According to their website, this amount can support A Playing For Change Foundation teacher in Africa for almost half a year. For some children, this teacher is the only formal schooling they receive.

Katrina, one of the original founders of Juice who was visiting with her family from New Zealand, remarked to me that she was impressed by how far the “regular” open-mic performers have progressed. She was happy to see some of the children she had taught since they were very small expressing themselves up on the stage in ways she had not imagined.

Running Juice has its successes and failures every time. It will always be unpredictable, given the open format of the show. But if you were to plot our results over time against the confidence and creativity of the performers, much as one does when tracking financial investments, you see that the curve is definitely heading upwards. It’s good to remind ourselves that we have done something positive and important here, and it’s a little more than just having fun.

To join and follow the progress of Stage Time and Juice, check out our Facebook page:

Carol Yao
Coordinator, Stage Time and Juice

4 September 2016, STJ XIX: Playing For Change Music Fundraising Event

Stage Time and Juice XIX: Playing For Change Fundraising Event
Time: SUNDAY, Sept. 4, 2016 2:30-4:30 PM
1. Open-Mic Time!
Bring an instrument or song, and share it with us, this time for a good cause! Each time slot is limited to 5 minutes. There is a limited number of slots available so we recommend pre-registering by commenting in the appropriate thread in this event.
2. Learn About Different Musical Styles!
Sue DeSimone invites her musician friends to jam on the stage, introducing the Stage Time and Juice family to a variety of musical styles. (Rock, country, blues and rockabilly) Keep your eyes on the event postings for updates!
3. Raffle!
Many community members have come forward to provide raffle prizes. All money from raffle tickets will go to the Playing For Change Foundation.
4. Donate!
We will provide a box for extra donations.
5. Potluck!
Bring a bottle of juice or a snack to share with our friends and musicians.
THE CAUSE: The Playing For Change Foundation supports music education programs for children in areas that are rich in cultural traditions but limited in economic resources. Programs are free to children and provide instruction in vocals, dance, instruments, and musical theory. For many, it is the first and only opportunity they would have to learn music, for some, it is their first opportunity to attend school of any kind.
For more information, please visit their website:
LOCATION: The Library at the Taipei Air Force Innovation Base,
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.
ENTRY FEE: NT 150 per adult, NT 100 per child (ages 5 to 18)
In the spirit of sharing our love and good fortune, half of our door sales will also be donated to the Playing For Change foundation.
Stage Time and Juice XIX: 音樂改變生命基金會募款活動

我們團隊的Sue DeSimone將邀請她的音樂家朋友,

音樂改變生命基金會 (Playing for Change Foundation) 成立的目的是希望利用音樂去聯繫世界。基金會向音樂人及他們的社區提供資源,令世界更大同。音樂改變生命基金會希望令任何渴望得到音樂教育的人都有機會接受學習音樂。


活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)


入場門票:成人 NT 150元;小孩 NT 100元(5-18歲)

Hosts: RED ROOM and The Taipei City Playgroup, Taipei Air Force Innovation Base

16 July 2016, STJuice XVIII : Saffron Summer

Dance, drums, and drama!
Suggested age: 5-99

How to participate:
1) Prepare a song, a skit, a dance, a joke, or a poem to share (5 mins maximum per person)
2) Your best clapping hands and listening ears!

3) Bring some juice or a snack for our community table!

Entrance fee: NT100 for adults, NT 50 per child (ages 5-18) to cover costs.

Stage Time and Juice 是紅房( Red Room)社群與 Taipei City Playgroup 共同舉辦的活動,主要是為了鼓勵小朋友們能發揮創意及步入探索的道路。 活動主要以英文進行,參加的小朋友們可以有機會聆聽故事、欣賞表演、分享彼此的才華與想法。歡迎一起加入我們的大家庭,倒點果汁,隨意找個位子坐下,和我們的夥伴們一同學習,一同分享這個多元化的平台。 活動當天在櫃台會有報名表,讓勇敢的小朋友們可登記上台朗讀、表演歌舞、魔術、短劇或講故事及笑話等。

活動日期與時間:7月16日(六) 2:30 pm – 4:30pm
入場費:大人NT$100 ;小孩 (5-18歲 ) NT$50

活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.

Hosts: RED ROOM and The Taipei City Playgroup, Taipei Air Force Innovation Base, The Ripplemaker Foundation

Reflections, Stage Time & Juice, May 21 2016

Check out videos and photos from May 21 on our Facebook page.
The title of our May 21 Stage Time and Juice: Mum’s the Word! is a play on the themes of Mother’s Day and spring. What could be more spring-like than to celebrate life from the perspective of insects? The Juicers were treated to bouncing grasshoppers, whiny bees, supercilious water striders, tragic mayflies, and self-important cicadas, as interpreted through the poems of Paul Fleischman. The poems, read by two readers at once, sometimes in synchrony, sometimes not, demonstrated how poetry can sometimes be performed as a form of music.

Sue DeSimone, on the other hand, seemed to be bugged by something else, leading the Juicers in a plea for ice cream. Her guitar accompanist, Jimmy, seems to have been infected with her melancholy, because he broke into a bit of blues himself after her song was done.

Devry presented a soliloquy from Henry the V while waving around a sword…um…bamboo stick. Two young sisters performed a violin and cello duet from the Japanese animated film “Kiki’s Delivery Service.” One young man sang a song named “Seven”, deploring his lost youth at the ripe old age of nine, and then finished with a keyboard rendition of “Chopsticks” with his mother. His brother did a couple of magic tricks. A pair of siblings read from their favorite story books, one talking about what mommies do and the other describing the sentimental value of a scarf. Finally, two little monkeys demonstrated what it means to be on a roll.

And that’s what you missed at Stage Time and Juice!

Carol Yao

19 March 2016, Stage Time & Juice

Discover the magic of being part of a fun, creative, enthusiastic community based upon the concept of LISTENING.

1) A song, a skit, a joke, a poem.
2) Some additional juice or a snack to share
3) Your best clapping hands and listening ears!

Other suggestions:

The Red Room is a green environment. Bring your own drinking vessel! If not, you may borrow or purchase one of our awesome, groovy bamboo mugs.

Stage Time and Juice 是一個新的紅房(Red room)社群與 Taipei City Playgroup 所舉辦的活動,活動主要用意為鼓勵孩子們步入創意探索的道路。 活動主要以英文進行,受邀參加的孩子們,可以有機會聆聽許多故事,分享彼此天賦才能及創意想法。倒點果汁,隨意找個座位坐下,和我們果汁家庭成員們一同學 習,一同分享這個多元化的平台。 在櫃台會有報名表,讓勇敢的小朋友們可以登記上台朗讀、分享藝術、玩音樂或者講故事。


1) 請隨意帶果汁或喜歡的點心,當您抵達社群時即可將其放置於吧台,供大家自由分享取用。
2) 紅房(Red room)社群關心綠色環保議題,所以來時候可以考慮在現場購買一個我們引以為傲的竹杯子,又或者您也可以攜帶自己的環保杯。

Entrance fee: NT100 for adults, NT 50 per child (ages 5-16)
活動時間 Date and Time :3月 19 日星期六 2:30 pm – 4:30pm

入場費用 Fee:大人NT100 小孩 (5-16歲 ) NT50

Recommended Age: 5 and Above

活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.
Hosts: RED ROOM and The Taipei City Playgroup
肯夢 AVEDA I Ripplemaker Foundation

27 February 2016, Stage Time and Juice @ the Red Room XV

2016 is a leap year! What will you do with that extra day?

Spend it with us at the RED ROOM and discover the magic of being part of a fun, creative, enthusiastic community based upon the concept of LISTENING.

Let’s reach for the sky together! Kindly LEAP to the occasion by preparing

1) A song, a skit, a joke, a poem.
2) Some additional juice or a snack to share
3) Your best clapping hands and listening ears!

Other suggestions:

The Red Room is a green environment. Bring your own drinking vessel! If not, you may borrow or purchase one of our awesome, groovy bamboo mugs.

Stage Time and Juice 是一個新的紅房(Red room)社群與 Taipei City Playgroup 所舉辦的活動,活動主要用意為鼓勵孩子們步入創意探索的道路。 活動主要以英文進行,受邀參加的孩子們,可以有機會聆聽許多故事,分享彼此天賦才能及創意想法。倒點果汁,隨意找個座位坐下,和我們果汁家庭成員們一同學 習,一同分享這個多元化的平台。 在櫃台會有報名表,讓勇敢的小朋友們可以登記上台朗讀、分享藝術、玩音樂或者講故事。


1) 請隨意帶果汁或喜歡的點心,當您抵達社群時即可將其放置於吧台,供大家自由分享取用。
2) 紅房(Red room)社群關心綠色環保議題,所以來時候可以考慮在現場購買一個我們引以為傲的竹杯子,又或者您也可以攜帶自己的環保杯。

Entrance fee: NT100 for adults, NT 50 per child (ages 5-16)
活動時間 Date and Time :2月 27 日星期六 2:30 pm – 4:30pm

入場費用 Fee:大人NT100 小孩 (5-16歲 ) NT50

Recommended Age: 5 and Above

活動地點:國防部空軍司令部舊址 圖書館 2 樓
台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 (濟南路與建國南路交叉口)No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.
Hosts: RED ROOM and The Taipei City Playgroup
肯夢 AVEDA I Ripplemaker Foundation