Halloween Plastic Free Fun Day

Listen to What the Ocean Wants to Tell Us

Halloween Plastic Free Fun Day in Keelung - Red Room 紅房藝術文創

Event Information


  • Time時間:
    【Family Day】Sunday Oct. 24th, 10am-4pm
    Deadline for registration is Tuesday, October 21rd.

    【Halloween】Saturday Oct. 30th, 10am-4pm
    Deadline for registration is Wednesday, October 27th.

  • Location地點:
    National Museum of Marine Science and Technology, Keelung 基隆海科館
    Ocean Research Center in Chaojing Park 潮境公園海洋研究中心
  • Price 票價:
    Regular Price 原價:650/per person 650/人
    Early Bird 早鳥價:500/per person (Register before Oct. 16th for only 15 people)500/人(10/16前完成報名,限額15人)
    Family of Four 家庭套票:2,000/4 people(Oct. 24th limited) 2,000/最多四人(10/24限定)
    With Costume 萬聖變裝價:500/per person(Oct. 30th limited) 500/人(10/30限定)

    (includes a pizza party lunch, treat bag, two tours, museum entry NOT including transportation)

  • Main language is English but there will be an assistant who speaks Chinese if translation is needed.

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See below for COVID-19 notice

About this Event


Join us for a day of fun and environmental education full of treats and storytelling.

These two events are specially designed for those of us who care about eco-friendly issues.

Our morning tour will start with the international Midway Collide-O-Scope exhibit followed by a short art education program. Time will be given to explore the museum grounds before our Pizza Party. There will be a Halloween decorating activity, with goodie bags and prizes to be won over lunch.

Afterwards we will take a (20 min) walk to the nearby Ocean Research Center in Chaojing Park (built on reclaimed land) where a guide awaits us to share information about the local marine life that lives by the nearby shoreline.



About The Exhibition Curator & Environmental Educator


R.A.R.E. exhibition curator/environmental educator La Benida Hui. She is a passionate environmentalist and artist from Parsons School of Design with a degree in Illustration and a background in art education.

R.A.R.E.展覽策展人/環境教育家 La Benida Hui。她是帕森斯設計學院的一位充滿激情的環保主義者和藝術家,擁有插畫設計學位和藝術教育背景。



  • 9am: Meet at City Hall 9:00 市府轉運站集合(車票自理)
  • The international Midway Collide-O-Scope exhibit 國際「 Midway Collide-O-Scope(中途島環境展)」 展覽 
  • Art Education Program & Museum Tour 藝術教育活動&探索博物館 
  • Lunch Time: Pizza Party 午餐:比薩派對 
  • Ocean Research Center in Chaojing Park Tour 潮境公園海洋研究中心導覽 
  • 4pm: Take the Bus Back to Taipei 16:00 搭乘巴士返回台北(車票自理) 



【10/24 Family Fun Day】

We will inform your children about the importance of marine conservation and nurture aesthetics at the same time. You can also enjoy your time together during the fun art education program.

Kids who participate with costumes will receive a surprise!




【10/30 Halloween Artist Day】

Those who participate wearing costumes can not only enjoy ticket discounts but can fully enjoy themselves at the museum, which will be a Halloween decorating activity.

Different from the one on Oct. 24th, the art education program will focus on exploring your artistic potential.




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COVID-19 Information 疫情活動辦理指引

For all Red Room Events:

Until further notice, Red Room will follow all government-recommended protocols for in-person events in order to maintain safe environments for interaction among participants. Furthermore, Red Room events are subject to cancellation based on either government stipulations or at the discretion of Red Room or our facilitators.
