From the Editor, Red Room Reflections

by Ruth Giordano


Red Room was born in November of 2009. Every year, in the eleventh month, we commemorate and celebrate with arts festivals.

Last month, Red Room celebrated its Eighth Anniversary “8 FEST” over two weekends. For a panoply of information, go to And if you scroll through the archives on this site, you will see evidence of eight years of festivals.

I asked for quick impressions of the 8-FEST experience from the Keepers of the Space. I got:

An Art Riot! -Anonymous

Hectic creating! – Charles Haines

Very stressful and very fun!! – Crystal Leung

Unbridled creativity!! – Ruth G.

Everything came out all together all at once! – Sharon Landon

An amalgam of imaginatories -Lilly Sedaghat

很榮幸參與到思、食、農、再生的沙龍group討論, 能與台灣樸門永續設計的先驅與秀明農法的實踐者們並肩討論,開誠布公地交流心得,真是十分難得的機會與緣份。經過這一整天的沙龍洗禮,更讓我相信,在台灣,我們需要更多元開放的思維、態度與方法來解決環境、社會正義、糧食安全等巨大的問題。紅房也將這樣的精神鑲印在她每一次的活動裡,透過藝術、音樂、展覽等型態,影響更多人,也將更多偉大的生命聚集在一起!

mobile/Line: 0987206278
FB: apinnomaker
展示地點: 台北市大安區建國南路一段177號 TAF空總創新基地內
工作坊: 新北市新店區北宜路二段64-1號

I attended the Crimson Octopus, as a performer.
Our props were hats. Our show wanted to tell the audience that we were all part of the universe, despite different languages, color of skin, or nationality. We need to communicate with each other.
I had a great experience working with talented people. It’s fun to create a short play less than 10 hours with new friends.

Yi Show, Performer at Crimson Octopus

From Roma Mehta-

we broke new ground
we made new friends
renewed old friendships with more purpose and meaning
we began conversations
that we hope will carry forward
the Red Room culture of listening for many more people.
What came out strong was that
all of us –
– original Taiwanese and adoptees –
– love this island and its people.
and we are all enriching the experience for ourselves
and for others.

The exploration of themes. Destroying and fitting in. The growth of the self and the development of ideas. Watching people create. Watching yourself create. Listening to people talk and talking to people while they listen. The mixing of colors, paints, sounds, thoughts, and fabrics. Quick costume changes, quick angle turns, quick flick of a brush, quick strum of a guitar. Two weekends of healing, four days of chaos, hours of work, a lifetime of accomplishment.

Happy eighth, Red Room.

Vicky P. Sun, Performer and Red Room Volunteer

FROM – Roshan Hoover

I think it was a great time all around. I was there for 25/26th weekend and had a great time filming the CREATE day and participating as a model on the 26th. Such a diverse line-up of events and a great showcase of the capacity of what Red Room can do.

and, lastly, from Yueh An, Red Room Scribe






