
2 September 2016, The Most Dangerous Game

Friday, September 2 at 8 PM
Red Room, TAF 空總創新基地 建國南路一段177號, Taipei, Taiwan 106
Created for R4 = Red Room Radio Redux

R4-mgd-FB-1920x1080pxOriginal story by Richard Connell
Adapted for Radio Drama by Ignatz Ratskywatsky
Read by Paul Batt & Pat Woods
Sound Effects by Paul Batt
Directed by Ruth Giordano

COME OUT TO PLAY! then PAY BY VALUE – read on –
The “Pay by Value” system allows attendees the option to award money based on the value they received and their financial ability.
This is a “Pay by Value” event. We hope that our guests will pay according to what they can afford and by the value they place upon the experience.

In a nutshell, you pay according to what you feel you have received.

Please check our Facebook for updates.

27 May 2016, May – Come What May

Readaloud-4Do you ever just want to HEAR what you’re reading? or sit back and LISTEN to a story? That’s what we do, two ways: 1) Volunteers prepare in advance to read short stories aloud, (some restrictions apply. please contact us for details). 2) Event attendees are invited to share reading a story aloud by joining a circle of readers.

Red Room Radio Redux presents
May – Come what may
Friday, 27 May 2016
7:00 pm-9:00 pm

Red Room Radio Redux is dedicated to the survival of reading. Proceeds from our events support libraries in developing communities in Taiwan.
If you can donate books for these communities, bring them to the Red Room International Village at TAF, where there is a collection box.
Any level of reading appropriate for school going children is accepted – in Chinese or English. Please be sure the books are in good condition.

Red Room International Village
Your Patronage 開支攤提費 $200NTD
Taiwan Air Force Base (TAF) LIBRARY 2F 空軍總部 「圖書館」
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)台北市大安區建國南路一段177號(濟南路與建國南路交叉口)

~~Kindling the power of the spoken word and
populating the theatre of your imagination ~~

13 & 14 May 2016, R4 Presents: Treasure Island


Photos from a previous production of Treasure Island can be viewed below.
R4: Treasure Island

RED ROOM RADIO REDUX will present a staged radio-theater- style production of TREASURE ISLAND, the Robert Louis Stevenson classic story of pirates and buried treasure, for three performances on:
Friday May 13 at 8:00 PM
Saturday May 14 matinee at 2:30 PM***
Saturday May 14 at 8:00 PM.
The performance will last approximately one hour.



All performances will be held at the International Artist Village at the TAF in Taipei.


***Especially for the children: prior to the matinee performance on Saturday, May 14, there will be a treasure hunt for all ticket holders aged 8 to 18. The treasure hunt will start at 1:30PM on Saturday, May 14.

The performance and treasure hunt will be held in English.

Your patronage: early bird reservations on accupass
現場購票: NT400
8-18歲以下孩童特別優惠: NT250

Tickets are available through ACCUPASS for NT300 or at the door for NT400.
Children 8-18 years NT250.
Under 8 years no charge.


Treasure Island is the tale of young Jim Hawkins, who sets sail in 1783 as a cabin boy on the schooner Hispaniola, in search of treasure hidden on a faraway island. In the course of his adventures, he comes across a motley assortment of devious seaman, including the infamous buccaneer Long John Silver. This production of Treasure Island will appeal to adults as well as children aged 8 and up.

The performance of Treasure Island will be in English, in an adaptation that draws extensively on the original language of the story. It will be presented as a radio-style staged reading in which the actors use voice, characterization and gesture, as well as live sound effects and music, to recreate a lively tale in the minds of the audience.

Audio recording of Treasure Island is on demand on the ICRT website.

At R4, we believe that through this “theater of the imagination,” we can promote a culture of live storytelling and creative listening through the great works of literature. Come join us with a heart of adventure and a mind of exploration as we sail into the deepest oceans of our imagination!
To learn more about R4¸ find us on Facebook : R4=Red Room Radio Redux

R4’s repertoire includes: Macbeth, The War of the Worlds, Dracula and A Christmas Carol. In addition to live performances, the group has produced and broadcast voice dramas in partnership with ICRT-FM100.

Red Room Radio Redux is affiliated with the Red Room. For more about “spoken word” events sponsored by the Red Room, go to

金銀島是一個青年賀詹姆(Jim Hawkins)的故事,從伊斯帕尼奧拉島揚帆啟程,在航程中找尋隱藏在遙遠島嶼的寶藏。在冒險的過程中,他遇到一群狡猾奸詐混雜的航海人,包含了最有名的海盜,單腳西渥弗(Long John Silver)。

紅坊廣播劇場會用英文演出金銀島,從原語的方式帶出延伸的效果。會用電台的效果來呈 現每一位角色的說詞,個性特色和手勢比劃,搭配著現場聲音效果以及配樂,重新帶出原 始故事的感覺給觀眾們。紅坊廣播劇場要將這樣獨特的表演方式,一種戲劇的想像的方式 獻給觀眾,透過分享偉大文學巨作和表達文化特色的現場說故事效果。

金銀島演出適合大人到8歲以上小孩。會有個簡單的詩詞作為開場,來自路易斯·卡羅爾的 愛麗絲夢遊仙境。會將音樂和聲音強化,來優化重述史蒂文森的知名故事。

紅坊廣播劇場是一個隸屬於 Red Room 藝術表演活動的社團。先前表演過馬克白、世界大 戰、聖誕頌歌、小氣財神等西方經典名著,也曾與ICRT 一同製做播出。贊助單位有漣漪 人基金會。你/妳可以在 Red Room 的網站找尋 “Spoken word”。網址是,也可上臉書蒐尋R4=Red Room Radio Redux。

30 April 2016, Aside 13

Red Room Aside 13 invite

The Red Room invites you to the
13th Aside@the Red Room, on April 30, 2016.
6:30pm – 10:30pm



Read more on the performers at this link. Download invitation pdf here.

Reservations required. Your Patronage $500NTD. Please register here to reserve your seat. Beverages and light refreshments will be provided. Floor seating so please dress comfortably.

Red Room International Village, TAF 空軍總部 「圖書館」2F LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.“

Joseph Campbell

“The Road Less Traveled” is the theme for this Aside. What are attributes that make a person feel fulfilled? What does it mean to constantly seek new visions, to extend beyond normal boundaries and to step boldly down that ‘road less traveled’. Unbounded passion is the driving force behind their actions and growth as artists and human beings.

Please join Red Room International Village on April 30, 2016 as each of these artists share their individual journeys encompassing words, sounds and music. Let us support their quest for inspired vision and new means of expression.

About Aside:
Aside derives its name from the theatrical term of “taking an aside,” where characters break the fourth wall to address the audience directly with their insight, secret aspirations, and original perspectives.

The presenters at Aside are individuals who have found inspiration in their craft and in turn have shared their inspiration with us. They utilize their discipline to communicate with creativity and breach the gap between artist and audience.

第十三回「旁白在紅房」 (2016年4月30日)
6:30pm – 10:30pm
Red Room International Village 紅房國際村, TAF 空軍總部 「圖書館」2F LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)


“當你遵循你內心的喜悅 宇宙將會在牆壁上幫你當開一扇門.“
約瑟夫 • 坎貝爾

Aside 這次的主題是:”少有人走的路”。到底是哪些特質能讓一個人感到滿足?能持續尋覓新的願景並跨出正常邊界踏上 “少有人走的路” 意謂著什麼? 熱無限情能為人類及藝術家帶來無限的成長與發展。


「旁白在紅房」得名於 “taking an aside” 之戲劇術語,表示表演者為了以較直接的方式表達他們的真知灼見和獨特的觀點而打破隔離觀眾與舞台的隱形屏障。


Browse photos from past Asides


How to find us:
Taiwan Air force Base (TAF) 空軍總部 「圖書館」LIBRARY
No. 177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd (Intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd.)
Our entrance is located on the intersection of Jianguo S. Rd. and Jinan Rd. (TAF side entrance). After passing the gate, keep marching forward and you’ll see a white building to your left called Library. Make your way to the second floor via the outer staircase on the side.
Travel by MRT[Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station Exit 6]Walk straight along XinSheng S. Road, then turn left on Jinan Road Sec.2 , continue down and you’ll spot the entrance!

22 April 2016, Invitation to attend R4’s Read Aloud

Readaloud-2Red Room Radio Redux (R4) invites you to spend an evening reading aloud and listening to others-

On the fourth Friday of each month,  all are welcome to bring a story, a poem, quotation or even a joke you’d like to read – or hear – aloud.

You may choose to read something you wrote or a favorite piece of poetry or prose. (roughly 10 min limit, depending on the number of readers).

Constructive criticism will be offered – a great opportunity to improve your public reading skills.

We will announce a theme each month but it is considered a suggestion, only.

Please bring a snack and/or a beverage to share. Wine will be on sale by the glass.

All languages and all levels of experience are welcome. No microphones, no special effects. No competition. Guaranteed moral support.

“There is a certain satisfaction in voicing written words. We lift them off the page and let them out into the air. At RedRoom, we have created a space-within-the-space – we draped fabrics to make a canopy – we meet there to listen and to be heard.”

— Ruth, Artistic Director R4

For more about Red Room & Radio Redux, go to: > Events > Red Room Radio Redux

Updates from Red Room Radio Redux’s ReadAloud

The monthly ReadAloud evening has been taking shape. Last Friday’s group was small in numbers but rich in warmth.

We’ve created a space within the Red Room space by draping fabric and creating a canopy over two of the rugs. We borrowed pillows from the bed and sat in a circle. We did not use mics, background music or sound effects.

In our intimate space, participants shared segments of prose and poetry from Coelho, Garcia Marques, Anne Rice and David Bowie.

Not everyone chose to read from prolific, well-established authors. Two people chose to read their own work. One of the Taiwan Writer’s Group read an except of one of his stories from their latest publication and another came from TaiChung to share her personal prose poems.

We will be holding more ReadAlouds in the coming month and we welcome original material. If you wish to share a piece, whether it is your own or from a writer you admire, we request you contact Ruth at to reserve time.  When making your request, please include the name of the author, the title of the piece, and a short description of what you’d like to read.

During the last Read Aloud, we have decided to change our patronage policy. In the past, the patronage for “soloists” has been waived. In the future, as we are all equal in the room, everyone will be asked to put money in the box.

Ruth Giordano
Red Room Radio Redux

R4 Reflections, January 2016

A Christmas Carol 2015

On December 11 & 12, R4 presented our rendition of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Our adaptation, by Ignatz Ratskywatsky, is drawn directly from the original. While the story has been significantly shortened, what remains are, for the most part, the words of Charles Dickens, himself.

Many historians agree that the state of observance of Christmas is largely the result of a mid-Victorian revival of the holiday spearheaded by A Christmas Carol.

Dickens influenced many aspects of Christmas that are celebrated today in Western culture such as family gatherings, seasonal food & drink, dancing, games and a festive generosity of spirit.

The R4 event included Christmas caroling lead by Vincenzo Cuccia and a solo reading by Paul Batt of A Visit from St. Nicholas, with sound effects accompanying.

Photos can be viewed here.

Ruth Giordano
Red room Radio Redux <>

Red Room Renaissance Festival: November 2015

Renaissance Festival

View slide show
Red Room Renaissance Festival
In the early hours of the twenty-first, we stood across the street mumbling drowsy greetings and admiring the banner adorning the entrance of the TAF compound. Even from a distance its vibrant colors and characters captured our attention. Ten minutes later we gathered under the festival tents, decidedly more lively after consuming coffee and dan bing, and watched the sky drop its first tentative drops of the day. “Oh dear,” one dismayed volunteer murmured. Another volunteer quickly replied that “[it’d] be good luck.”. “Don’t you know rain on a festival day is good luck?” she asked us with a grin.Rain has become something of a traditional part of Red Room’s anniversaries; in fact, not a single Red Room anniversary has been without it. Though rain can be a nuisance, it is perhaps a fitting symbol of Red Room’s rebirth.

Red Roomers watch an outside performance under umbrellas.

Red Roomers watch an outside performance under umbrellas.

In a traditional sense, rain has always symbolized revival; rain transforms the land through nourishing the soil. Similarly, Red Room has transformed through finding new soil. Since moving to the TAF, Red Room has introduced a myriad of events and activities for the community. In short, Red Room’s rebirth has ushered a new era, enabling Red Roomers to attain new heights in expressing creativity. This idea of rebirth was well captured during Red Room’s anniversary, which proudly presented some of the community’s new initiatives including a first glimpse at plays written and performed by members of the Red Room community. When Red Roomers weren’t enjoying performances, they were able to peruse the walls which were adorned with featured art by J.J. Chen and Ted Pigott from Red Room’s second Visual Dialogues.


Yet, Red Room’s expansion and rebirth has not drastically eroded the traditions Red Roomers value most. The return of rain on November 21st also reminded many Red Roomers of the aspects they love most about the community. For as the sky drizzled, community members gathered, laughed and shared. During Stage Time & Juice, the rain did not hinder the imaginations of Juicers as they fought agents of destruction, or dazzled audiences with magic. Indeed, it did not prevent them from embarking on great adventures on the grounds, imaginary sword and cape in hand. As the day cooled, Red Roomers could again gather inside to listen to rich stories by performers from Red Room Radio Redux’s Read Aloud.

Juicers unleash their imagination during Stage Time & Juice

Juicers unleash their imagination during Stage Time & Juice

Outside, Red Roomers were treated to a mix of sounds from musicians whose sound ranged from classic rock, to blues, to traditional aboriginal. Crowds gathered in front of the colorful stage, hands cupping a warm cup of 臺Walla, Red Room Chai from R & D Lab, or a beer from Bloch Brewing Company. They browsed artisan booths holding a sandwich from Sprout or Belgian fries from Belga, and watched new and old Red Room musicians perform.

Red Roomers collect in front of the stage for a late night performance

Red Roomers collect in front of the stage for a late night performance

To memorialize the day, artists sketched Red Roomers, photographers snapped candids and, for the braver Red Roomers, artists offered free slow poke tattoos. Red Roomers could also transform themselves with anything from haircuts and metallic body art to the opportunity to learn about and dedicate themselves to important social issues. Of course there were plenty of opportunities to make less tangible memories. Red Room offered countless opportunities to get involved. Upstairs and downstairs, Red Roomers could participate in art whether through painting on a scroll, leaving their handprint on a canvas or speaking on community and compassion.


A Red Roomer prepares to add his hand print to the canvas.

As the day drew to an end, and the sky exchanged the sun for the stars,  performers exchanged the stage for the Red Roomfloor. The members of Mafana and Faloco gathered beneath the stairs to continue celebrating. Sitting in a circle, they sang with ebullient enthusiasm, swaying and grinning; strumming and beating. Their joy was so irresistible that other Red Roomers soon joined in. Meanwhile, other performers moved inside to avoid the rain, exchanging a public performance for a more intimate one. Lights reflected warmly off the gathered crowd who watched transfixed as Valentin Le Chat and La Gitanita seamlessly merged different styles of physical art.

La Gitanita balances two of Valentin Le Chat's juggling balls

La Gitanita balances two of Valentin Le Chat’s juggling balls

The crowds did not dissipate, even as the night cooled.  Instead, Red Roomers did what they do best. They provided a platform for artists and community members to express themselves creatively. They reveled in each other’s triumphs and talents and embraced each other’s goals and initiatives. The Renaissance Festival offered Red Roomers the opportunity to connect with six years of memories and renew their keenness to contribute to communities through art and volunteerism. Red Room is sustained by its community members’ passion and compassion and the anniversary was a wonderful continuation and expansion of those virtues.

Red Room volunteers gather at the end of a fulfilling day

Red Room volunteers gather at the end of a fulfilling day

Leah List
Editor, Red Room News

11 Dec, 12 Dec 2015, A Christmas Carol

by Charles Dickens
Adapted for Radio Drama by Ignatz Ratskywatsky for Red Room Radio Redux (R4).
Performed live at the new Red Room International Village
Friday, Dec 11 at 8:00 PM and Saturday, Dec 12 at 2:30 PM
2015.12.11 (五) 晚上 8:00   /   2015.12.12 (六) 下午 2:30

Your Patronage 票價
預訂 NTD 300 ACCUPASS/現場購票 NTD 400 at the door
Admit (4) persons 四人團購票價 NTD 1000
(scroll down for tickets) (訂購資訊請見下方)
R4 xcarol 112415A CHRISTMAS CAROL, a ghost story originally written by Charles Dickens, has been adapted for radio-drama and will be performed live by Red Room Radio Redux. This is the timeless classic story of Ebenezer Scrooge who learns from Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future and is transformed from the most miserly to a most generous of gentlemen.
<小氣財神>由英國文豪狄更斯(Charles Dickens)所著,由紅房新廣播劇團改編為廣播劇並將現場演出。故事主角埃比尼澤․史固吉(Ebenezer Scrooge)小氣吝嗇,他被三個聖誕鬼魂分別帶回過去、重回現在、預見未來,經過這次奇幻經驗,他從吝嗇守財奴轉變為慷慨和藹的紳士。本故事自19世紀出版以來,至今仍廣受讀者歡迎,歷久不衰。

Performance in English 英語演出

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens a story of transformation.

The richest man in town, Ebenezer Scrooge, is also the most miserable and mean-spirited man. He despises Christmas and the holiday carols sound like caterwauling to him. “Humbug!” he says of Christmas and its notion of charity. In his opinion, there are plenty of workhouses and prisons to look after the poor and ill-stricken.

Unable to comprehend anything beyond materialistic values, Scrooge’s moral soul is being eaten alive by greed. But he does not realize the severity of this damage until he receives a visit from the ghost of Jacob Marley, his old business partner who died on Christmas Eve seven years prior. Marley’s spirit bears heavy chains made of objects that symbolize the burdens of greed. Marley warns Scrooge that if he does not mend his ways, he will suffer a worse fate. Scrooge’s only hope lies in lessons from three Ghosts–the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. Will Ebenezer Scrooge be able to break the chains of greed in time?

A CHRISTMAS CAROL was first published in the fall of 1843 when Dickens’ financial situation was in a depleted state. Desperate to sustain himself and his family, he published a series of Christmas stories using his own funds. A CHRISTMAS CAROL was the first of the series and it was, and still is the most popular tale. Six thousand copies were sold in the first few days of its release but, because Dickens had set the price of the book at five shillings, his profit did not match his success.

The popularity of this heartfelt story continues to thrive and, for Red Room Radio Redux, it is becoming a Christmas tradition. For R4, part of our goal is to act as a portal to the western culture and so A CHRISTMAS CAROL is a becoming a Christmas tradition in the Red Room community as well.

Red Room Radio Redux — October Update

To celebrate Halloween, Red Room Radio Redux put DRACULA on stage again. While this classic has been performed by Red Room before, we chose to ressurect for Red Roomers who missed the show two years ago. Thomas Bellmore, Rick Brundage and Sarah Brooks all reprised their roles. They were joined by Sue DeSimone Addison Eng, Tobie Openshaw and Paul Batt at the foley table (that’s movie talk for sound effects). Having enjoyed working in the TAF space with Short Stories ReadAloud earlier this month, the cast was excited to hear how they’d sound!
If it’s Halloween, Christmas can’t be far away! We’re making this our fourth annual presentation of our adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
At the time of writing this, we are still open to new voices for our show to be staged at the Red Room International Village on Friday, December 11th. If you are interested in auditioning, please contact Radio Redux at
We are working with the Lower School at Taipei American School to schedule another show there.
For all you Christmas lovers who wish Christmas would come earlier, ICRT-FM100 will be broadcasting our pre-recorded, and professionally mastered, CHRISTMAS CAROL adaptation on Halloween night (Saturday, 10/31). Please tune in to hear this wonderful tale!
Sad you missed a performance? Wish you could relive the night? Red Room Radio Redux is available ON DEMAND on the ICRT website and on their new app! Click here to visit their site!

Do you have a Taipei European School connection? Can you help us make contact there to inquire about radio dramatic performances in English?
Email us