Thank you for what you made possible in 2015!

In 2015, thanks to your support we found that together, anything is possible.

We found that Red Room was much more than a monthly event. In September, we were given a room to call the Red Room, and very quickly, we all feel quite at home in it. And it is thanks to each one of you who come and fill the space, sing your songs, read your passages, freely give hugs to one another, wash the cups and clean the space. In three short months, this became our new home!

Together we made it possible. We can look back on the last three months and marvel at how much we have accomplished and how far we have come. We have hosted four Stage Time and Wines, two Stage Time and Juice events, one Aside, four R4 events, two All’s Well Theater shows, five Spirits of the Night, and four Visual Dialogues; three Sunday family art sessions, and Red Room’s 6th Anniversary Renaissance Festival, which was bigger than anything we have ever tried to do before.

Over eleven new volunteers have joined the Red Room team. New collaborations and connections were welcomed into the RR International Village and RR played host to a special evening for the Executive Yuan 行政院, and the National Culture & Arts Foundation 國藝會. Other events included Christmas Cabaret with Brandon Thompson and friends, the Creative Music Orchestra’s album release party, Filmmaker Nights Taipei with Tobie Openshaw, and Best Friends on Friday.

We worked with TAF, our host at the Air Force base, to create Rangoli Road Art, painted lanterns, initiate university students to our space and our events, painted murals on the outside walls and on upcycled water towers.

A grand total of 45 events to date starting in September 2015
2,900 people in and out for events, art projects, rehearsals, and hanging out!

We will not forget and will always be thankful for the earlier part of this year at the Learning Kitchen, graciously provided by Canmeng Aveda for us to use, and nurture the community we call the Red Room.

So today, we celebrate the progress we’ve made together this year. You are the reason we can do so much for the creative souls among us, the ones that do what they do with passion, love and heart.

Continue to inspire us, inspire others, continue to push the boundaries, and let us make this a wonderful celebration of the creative spirit in all of us!

Thank you so much for your support in 2015, and here’s to an even more spectacular 2016!

Warm regards,
Roma Mehta and the whole Red Room team

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