Speakers at Aside, 30th March 2013

aside-headerJoin us for Red Room’s exclusive event Aside @ the Red Room featuring
twelve presentations by twelve presenters for twelve minutes each

This Aside event will delve into the theme of storytelling. This select group of presenters have found inspiration and have in turn inspired others in their field of expertise. They practice the art of communication and creativity to spread the possibility of social change.
At Aside, you will have the opportunity to experience their passion in a more intimate setting, and to engage in their work.


l   Tuan Tuan Hsiang

Bio: 生於1982/10/01,向姵寧是我的本名,但因我姊姊的乳名叫圓圓,所以我被取名叫團團,大家都這麼叫我。我畢業於台灣藝術大學電影學系,曾做過獨立製片電影的造型與梳,,最久的工作經歷在一家服裝造型概念店 – 一家幫客人做整體造型及銷售的店,目前嘗試做一個專職的插畫設計師也會為此做為終生的職業。目前經歷過2次插畫個展,2次插畫聯展。而近期的規劃是去英國深造。

EMAIL: bientuantuan@gmail.com

Performance theme: 在2011年9月辭掉了我5年以上的工作,完全離開了舒適圈,走進了我完全不瞭解的產業 – 插畫。從2002年來就不斷創作插畫的我,只是為了一種發洩與釋放,但越來越發現在其他工作上找不到像在畫插畫裡那樣的心跳感。服裝造型與銷售的工作也喜歡並且漸漸成為我的專業,但在心中沒有悸動,我不希望自己變成一個無感,不冷不熱的人,我的心中需要一把火,需要熱情的火在我的生活中。我將分享2002~2012的插畫作品,及在創作上的心得!以及未來我期待自己創作的主題。

l   Charis Chua

Bio: Charis Chua had an early start, exploring her artistic talents through the piano, violin and dance. She performed with string ensembles, youth orchestras and also attained an ATCL diploma in Piano from the Trinity College of London at 15. After high school, she majored in jazz piano, and contemporary voice at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University in Australia. During her time there, she played keyboards for jazz-funk band ‘Dancing about Architecture’and Latin Music bands; released two collaborative albums; and was the musical director, keyboard player, and co-arranger for Macbeth, the Contemporary Rock Opera. In 2009, Charis released “Illogical”, an EP containing a collection of original songs.Charis is now based in Taiwan as a regular arranger and performer on the GOOD TV Broadcasting Corporation, the first Chinese Christian TV network in the world. Her versatility also allows her to arrange for and perform with pop artistes, like Samuel Tai, Chen –Yue Chang, and Nicky Lee; or to be musical director of classical crossover concerts held by the Opera Society of Taiwan. She is also actively working towards her first Mandarin album release in the Asian market.

EMAIL:  charischua11@gmail.com

Performance theme: I will be performing 2 songs, and sharing a little about what it is like to live a musician’s life and pursue a dream (sacrifices, fun things and more).

l   Tina Ma

Tina Ma, Aside4

Bio: Like most artists, in younger days Tina was a Taiwanese hippy, rebelling against anything that interfered with her free will. She loved playing the guitar and learned American music while participating in all the social movements when Taiwan was seeking its identity in the early 80s.

After 30 years, she knows that the voice and sound must come from her own ground and soil now.

Having explored different art forms, she has finally chosen telling Taiwanese stories through songs from the ancient Chinese to current days, and to follow her bliss…

She likes to see herself as someone who uses this ancient musical instrument – moon guitar, to share shamanic spirits from nature and folklore of the mother earth.  The instrument is two stringed, but says a lot in a simple ways, as most life’s wisdom does.







Tina 是她英文名,


EMAIL: taiwanteama@gmail.com

Performance theme: She will be sharing some old and new and weave whatever she feels into music, please feel free to sing along if you feel so.


l   Lawrence Philbrook

Bio: Lawrence Philbrook (費樂理) CPF, CToPF

Lawrence Philbrook has been designing processes for teams and leaders in varied cultural settings for over  forty years. Lawrence joined the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) in 1972 and has worked outside the US since 1977 doing extensive company and community-based projects in over 20 nations. For the past 22 years he has been the director of ICA Taiwan while working across Asia.

After leaving the US, his first ten years focused on initiating effective development partnerships with rural communities in Africa and Asia. Beginning in 1985 Mr. Philbrook added facilitating private sector groups developing leadership and ongoing organizational change.

His key skill is in design and facilitation of processes which recover a sense of respect and trust as a basis for establishing organizations that can learn and change.  His clients have included communities, government organizations, the United Nations and more than 50 multinational organizations as well as local companies.

EMAIL: icalarry@gmail.com

Performance theme: My topic is going to be “Building Community”.  I will tell stories from my work in communities around the world and in organizations, including the past 20 years in Greater China and Taiwan.  Finally I will focus on how each of us has opportunities like the Red Room to create communities in the moment. Once we open the door to that connection it represents possibility the possibility of respect, the possibility of authentic connection, and the possibility of service beyond ones’ self.

l  Jean-Loup Fayolle

Bio: Jean-Loup Fayolle came to Taiwan for the first time in October 2011 to support the Taiwanese companies leading the world towards an ethical behavior in business. He has founded “Wholistic Communication” in January 2012 in Taipei. Since 25 years, his calling and passion are to learn about communicating with the five senses, listening to voices and developing the EQ (Emotional Quotient). He is coaching leaders, especially women CEO, in order to help improve healthy communication in the professional and private lives. Previously, graduated from an MBA, he has been the co-founder of Polygen Corporation, Biosphere international Foundation… and is the author of “Driving one’s life” 2001 and “Joy over Fear” 2007.

EMAIL: jeanloupfayolle@mac.com

Performance theme: I will speak about my passion since more than 30 years and the title of the presentation should be: “What do you really hear in the voice”

l  Jason Hsu

Bio: 許毓仁 Jason Hsu

Storyteller, Curator of TEDxTaipei, TEDxAmbassador Asia.畢業於國立政治大學英文系、新聞系


一個找故事、說故事的人,現為TEDxTaipei策展人暨共同創辦人、TED亞洲大使。六年級後段班,喜好文學和電影,大學主修英文和新聞。工作和求學的足跡踏遍美國、澳洲和中國,曾經追尋切.格瓦拉的腳步在中南美洲流浪了半年,畢業後第一份工作擔任Taiwan News主筆室翻譯,也在Nike擔任教育訓練講師,也曾跟著聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)到西安做永續經營(sustainable development)的都市規劃,曾和朋友在舊金山的車庫創業,遊走於跨界領域。

2008年創辦了The Big Question Conference,鼓勵年輕人「問對的問題,走自己的路。」2009年共同創辦了TEDxTaipei,期許能用故事改變教育,透過長期深耕的方式來持續經營華人文創平台,期待下一個十年是華人分享智慧、創造改變的年代。


Storyteller, Curator of TEDxTaipei, TEDxAmbassador Asia.

Jason Hsu is an educator, design thinker, storyteller and most of all a learner of Nature.Started off as a journalist for Taiwan News, Jason developed a curious mind of humanity.HIs desire to explore brought me to travel across Central and South America in search of a Che-Guevara like revolution. He spent time in Xian China helping investigate and research water resource consumption under UNESCO. In 2008 he co-founded The Big Question  Conference as a way to facilitate, build conversation and network among the youth in Asia.

What began as a conference turns into a social innovation hub that draws a variety of talents in creative, entrepreneurial minds to collaborate together. He also co-founded TEDxTaipei in 2009 and has been serving as TEDx Ambassador since 2010.

His recent endeavor involves building a new type of school that fosters peer-to-peer, project-based learning and online social learning. The new school “Starters School” is built upon the theory of beehive and mutualism. He is also starting up a collaborative coworking space in Taipei called Good Lab.

Jason is a runner and an avid lover of mountain climbing. Jason receives B.A in English Literature from National Chengchi University and is selected as one of the 35 participants to enroll in Amsterdam School of Creative Leadership (www.thnk.org)

EMAIL: jason@bqconference.com

Performance theme: These are the nine things I want to talk about. I will use 9 slides and 9 stories of the things I learned over the years.

Now What??

1.  韌性而非力量。 (Resilience instead of strength.)

2.  吸引而非推動。(Pull instead of push)

3.  冒險而非保守。(Risk instead of safety)

4.  系統思考而非單ㄧ思維。(System thinking instead of objects)

5.  方向羅盤而非路線圖。 (Compass instead of maps)

6.  實踐而非理論。(Practice instead of theory)

7.  叛逆而非守舊。(Disobedience instead of compliance)

8.  群眾而非專家。(Crowd instead of experts)

9.  學習而非教育。(Learning instead of education)

l  Brendon Chen



現任:寶藍澄國際有限公司(珠寶/設計/時尚生活顧問) 設計總監 / 負責人

The Escape Artist 娛樂繪畫空間 創辦人 / 營運總監


愛地球文化創意協會 理事


明峰股份有限公司 畫框設計師


堅持只做有熱情的事,專精於趨勢分析與訂製設計,於2009年與DSC合作的設計中,成功領先世界6大珠寶品牌預測珠寶設計趨勢; 並且擅長將對生命的熱情與敏銳,轉化為設計的細節,這是Brendon獨特的能力,也是其他設計師複製不來的個人魅力。


EMAIL: brendon@brendonchen.com

Performance theme: My topic would be “Colouring people’s life, and mine”; talking about who I am; why I decided to start The Escape Artist; what I encountered and learned during the journey.

l  Mauro Sacchi

Bio: Born in Italy, mis-educated in the US, and now calling Taiwan home, Mauro is an artisan and artist, working in dance and theater. He has shared his work internationally in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Italy, USA, Guatemala, South Africa, working independently and with HORSE Dance Theater 驫舞劇場. Among many projects, he is currently crafting a new show, home.coming, while completing his Master’s thesis in Dance and Performance Studies at the Taipei National University of the Arts北台北藝術大學. He is in awe at many things, the human body, movement, contact, and food chief amongst them.

He sits on the Advisory Board for the US-branch of the NGO EMERGENCY (Life Support for Civilian War Victims). He wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for his family (in Italy, in the US, in Taipei, everywhere) and his many teachers and mentors.


Mauro Sacchi義大利出生,大學在美國就讀,2006年來到台灣居住至今.目前是臺北藝術大學舞蹈系理論的研究生.


近年來參與多項地方表演,教學,工作坊,及論文發表,如: 2012年11月在北京舞蹈學院進入“跨藝2012”,跳了布拉若楊的”勇者”與趙小剛的”河”; 2011年加入驫舞劇場,演了“繼承者 I-II-III”;在瓜地馬拉與南非表演,教工作坊;2010在紐約的Dance Theater Workshop與香港演藝學院的短期教;2005,2008,2009,2011在國際台北藝術駐村Artist-in-Residence.目前正在籌備新作品,自編自導“home.coming”,2013 premiere.


EMAIL: maurolovespapaya@gmail.com

Performance theme: prACTice: listen, live, give

a 12-minute autobiography in 3 acts,

through beauty, pain, purpose and the meaning of part of it.

This will be about me, about us, about what moves me, about what moves you, about depression about laughter about a smile about contact about distance about what it means to make peace about why we need to about that one time when I got shot about discovering that I am ok about that so are you about stillness about movement about ACTions about in-tention which is in-tension about art about silliness about do you remember when it was all much easier about the need for rules and limitations in order to find freedom about complementary opposites about the art of living the art of giving about cause about effect about landmines about human rights about my teachers about gratitude about being smug about being humble about something which I am probably forgetting about something unnecessary about bumblebees about punctuation. About precision, about bad habits, about changing them, about paying attention.

It will be a piece of performance, it will be an experiment, it will be a conversation in words and flesh and sound and sight.

l  Mark van Tongeren

rrweb-marktBio: Mark van Tongeren is a sound explorer, experimental vocalist and cultural musicologist, well-known for his work on Tuvan throat singing and other kinds of overtone singing around the world. He wrote a textbook Overtone Singing (2004) and presented his work internationally from the USA and New Zealand to Taiwan. In 2013 he received his PhD from Leiden University with his thesis ‘Thresholds of the Audible. About the Polyphony of the Body’. Mark is a member of the arts/sound-collective Oorbeek and founded Parafonia and Superstringtrio. He lives in Taiwan with his Taiwanese wife Wen Yo-June and their two children.

hear & see more: www.fusica.nl

EMAIL: mark@fusica.nl

Performance theme: In a world that flows over with words, ideas and concepts, is it still possible to find a moment of emptiness, or to articulate a moment of silence?

Can I address an audience – you! – and proclaim my fascination with a language devoid of meaning, without saying it in so many words? How?

l  Marc Anthony

Bio: Marc Anthony is a writer and educator originally from San Francisco.  He teaches research writing at National Taiwan University.

EMAIL: amitofo2006@gmail.com

Performance theme: The philosopher, Avishai Margalit, once asked if there is an ethics of memory. Do we have obligations to remember people or events from the past? Is there a duty of remembrance?  Marc Anthony, in his work-in-progress novel entitled “38 Geary”, explores these questions as a middle-aged, diffident high school history teacher, Paul Dunowicz, is charged by his dying childhood friend to spread his ashes into the Pacific Ocean.  The reluctant Dunowicz travels with the ashes from his East Bay home and crosses the city of San Francisco with them on the 38 Geary bus line, which transects the entire city from bay to the ocean.  Dunowicz’ bus ride ends up being an odyssey into ever-deepening levels of memory, as he remembers people and events not only of his own past, but those of long-forgotten San Franciscans who seem to call out to him for remembrance.

l  Marina Shifrin

Bio: Marina Shifrin is a Russian-born, Chicago-raised, Missouri-educated writer from New York. She splits her time between performing stories her parents would disapprove of and being lost – which explains why she is currently in Taiwan.

EMAIL: marinavshifrin@gmail.com

Performance theme: I will be sharing a story on the ups and downs of love.

l  Tai Mesches

Bio: Tai “Prosperus” Mesches is a poet/spoken word artist who comes from New York. He has spent the last 6 years of his life in Asia, living, traveling, teaching, and most importantly, rhyming. Being based in Kunming, Yunnan Province for the last 2.5 years, he has worked hard on finding his heart’s voice through poetry, and has now come to Taipei to share it with whoever is willing to listen…

Email: prosperus11@gmail.com

Performance Theme: I will be discussing my experience in Kunming, and how the characters within my poems/rhymes have come to life, eventually introducing them to you all through a rhyme I wrote for Aside.

2 replies
  1. Larry Philbrook
    Larry Philbrook says:

    The Aside@RedRoom was a awesome experience of community exploration. 12 people sharing their passion which went from music to improv to poetry to wisdom about each of us and our life choices. In the end I did not tell any of those stories I thought of yesterday instead I shared a bit of my experience in New Zealand with the Mauri community center. When you come in they welcome you with a song and a story, the song is to communicate the passion and love of the community you are being invited into and the story is to share their journey and their connection to the land, the sea and the river (this my memory so I apologize to our Mauri brethren if I misinterprested in any way, my memory of this event, though brief was profound since the Mauri were so welcoming to us and the ICA community I was visiting in Aus NZ has over the last 40 years cared for me so deeply as I have worked in communities in Asia and Africa)

    Back to the welcome ritual, once the host has sung then the guest sings a song and tells their story in process both learn about each other and often discover authentic connection even if it is generations past. So I sang a song from my journey called “I’m the Greatest, You’re the greatest” which is one my early memories on my journey with my ICA community when I was about 10

    For my story I chose to share the last few weeks of my life
    – Appreciative Leadership in Uganda with great managers from the community working in DRC (congo) with UN Peace Keeping forces (co-facilitating with a new colleague from South Africa)
    – Collaborative Creative Facilitator training with a group of emerging facilitators in Shanghai we reached teh half way point of the in-house certification process
    – Working with a group managers spanning Eastern Europe through the middle east to South Africa on Coaching and mentoring in a year long journey
    – Launching the second round of our global ICA Certified ToP Facilitators for Taiwan and Greater China (maybe Korea as well)
    – Virtual facilitation conversations with all of my ICA colleagues and a group of community development facilitators emerging in North America.
    – And this opportunity to tell my story and listen to the passionate sharing with 11 other people who have chosen to give a part of their lives and receive the great gift of being connected to Taiwan at this time of transformation and change.

    Finally I asked each person to turn to someone they did not know and tell them about a toy they played with when they were a child – I shared the fun I had with stolen iron bars from a construction site used to attack the maurauding tumbleweeds in Tempe Arizona when I was 9 years old 🙂

    I have no pictures from last night but there should be some somewhere


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