Aside 16, A Feast for the Senses 第16場 一場感官的盛宴

Aside 16 June 2018

Aside 16

A Feast for the Senses

The June Aside at the Red Room was a feast for the senses in more ways than one.

The evening was an educational journey through the many tastes and flavors of this island. From Hakka Chinese to indigenous cuisine and traditional bandoh style banquets, our knowledge of Taiwan’s rich and diverse food culture was enriched and enjoyed by all who attended.

Katy Hui-Wen Hung 洪惠文 is an avid collector of recipes and culinary stories as well as a passionate advocate of Taiwanese cuisine. Her frequent travels have become a journey through Taipei’s food culture, past and present. She spoke about her discoveries while writing her soon to be released book on A Culinary History of Taipei: Beyond Pork and Ponlai, co-authored by Steven Crook.

Chef Lin Ming-Tsan 林明燦 shared his knowledge and experiences as a 總舖師 Bando master chef, a tradition handed down from his father and grandfather. His display of knives dating back from his grandfather’s time and the must-have items a good bandoh chef requires was a rare treat to witness. He is known as A Master Who Recreates Old Favors. ~ “I carry the torch to continue my father’s legacy

Chuan Chun-Yi 全俊逸 is from the mountain Bunun tribes of Xinyi in Nantou County. A shepherd by trade, he spoke about the abundant life force brought out by the earth and the sustainable management of land, life, and food by the Bunun tribe. Chuan also prepared a feast for all to share with his classic mutton tomato stew and fresh wild vegetables. Accompanied by Mochi and rice wine freshly prepared by his mother.

Special thanks to each of the presenters for their time and sharing. Thank you to Chun-Yi for the delicious feast and to our generous partners Canmeng Aveda and Granola House for sponsoring the gifts. Thanks to Romona Guan for on the spot translations.

第16場 旁白在紅坊

洪惠文(Katy Hui-Wen Hung)是一位食譜與故事的收藏者,也同時是台灣飲食文化的倡導者。她在台灣的各種旅遊經驗讓她能更充分了解到台北食物歷史的過去與現在。洪老師為各位觀眾述說了她與Steven Crook一起合寫的新書:「A Culinary History of Taipei: Beyond Pork and Ponlai」,而我們都很期待這本書的出版。

林明燦(Chef Lin Ming-Tsan)跟著祖父與父親的腳步貫上辦桌總舖師頭銜,當晚與紅坊大方分享了他的各種知識與經驗。 林老師更特別帶來了祖父與父親傳承下來的各種刀具與現場分享它們悠久的歷史與各種用途。就如號稱「傳承古早味大師」的林師傅說道:「我在延續我父親的事蹟。」

全俊逸(Chuan Chun-Yi)是南投信義鄉布農族的人。正職是牧羊人的全老師非常注重與土地的關係,述說了布農族透過可持續農業培養出來的生命力與食物。全老師更與母親用心的烹煮了一頓豐盛的大餐,菜單上有令人垂涎三尺的番茄羊肉湯、新鮮的蔬菜、手工麻糬與自己釀造的小米酒。

非常感謝各位講師為我們貢獻這麼多的時間與愛心。特別謝謝全老師與母親為我們帶來每個人都吃不停的一餐。更要感謝我們的夥伴們AVEDA肯夢與Granola House贊助的禮品。



Photos of the evening can be viewed here.

We hope to see you at the next Aside. Stay tuned for updates. Sign up for our monthly e-news so you never miss out on a great opportunity to visit the Red Room!

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